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In the News: Detroit Metro Times May 22, 2024

DTE Energy added to federal lawsuit over excessive pollution emissions on Zug Island

Mary Rock, Attorney, Midwest Office: “At DTE’s direction, EES Coke sought the removal of pollution limits that allowed the facility to burn more coke oven gas and emit sulfur dioxide pollution.”

Attorney John Petoskey and activist Theresa Landrum on a tour of hazardous industrial sites in the Detroit Metro area encompassing Southwest Detroit, Delray, and River Rouge, for Earthjustice staff.
Press Release: Victory May 21, 2024

Federal Judge Names DTE a Defendant in SW Detroit Pollution Case

Residents impacted by EES Coke’s illegal emissions celebrate the ruling

document May 21, 2024

EES Coke Ruling to Add DTE as Defendant

A judge has granted the EPA’s request to add multibillion-dollar energy company DTE Energy as a defendant in a federal lawsuit brought against the company’s subsidiary, EES Coke.

In the News: WDET July 27, 2023

DTE to close Monroe coal plant by 2032

Shannon Fisk, Attorney, Clean Energy Program: “Every year earlier that a coal plant retires is saved lives, it’s better public health impact and it’s less climate pollution.”

DTE’s Monroe coal-fired power plant, Sept. 15, 2020. Retiring this massive polluter sooner will bring public health benefits and avoid millions of tons of CO2 emissions per year. (Ted Auch / FracTracker Alliance, 2020)
Press Release: Victory July 12, 2023

DTE, Sierra Club, Earthjustice, Others, File Settlement for Energy Plan

Settlement with Earthjustice hastens retirement of coal power in Michigan, mandates clean energy

document July 12, 2023

DTE Electric Company Approval of Its Integrated Resource Plan Settlement with Earthjustice

This settlement of litigation over DTE’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) puts Michigan on track to end the burning of coal for electric generation in less than a decade, a major milestone for climate progress in the state. Sierra Club was represented by Earthjustice.

Press Release: Victory November 22, 2022

Locals and Environmental Group Win a Seat in EES Coke Lawsuit

Court says advocates can intervene to hold Southeast Michigan polluter directly accountable

document November 22, 2022

EES Coke Ruling on Motion to Intervene

A district court ruled to allow an environmental group and community members to intervene in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) federal lawsuit against EES Coke.

Press Release September 7, 2022

Locals Team Up with Environmental Groups to Take on Polluting EES Coke Facility

SW Detroit residents and Sierra Club want the Zug Island emitter to restore and invest in clean air

document September 7, 2022

EES Coke Motion to Intervene

Motion to intervene in the Environmental Protection Agency’s federal lawsuit against EES Coke.

Press Release May 4, 2022

Coal Plants Retiring with Millions of Dollars Flowing to Environmental Justice Communities

Agreement between Sierra Club and DTE Energy will provide $2.7 million for projects to improve communities in River Rouge, Ecorse, and Detroit

feature February 8, 2021

Meet the Community that Stopped an Environmental Power Grab by the Trump Administration

After decades of pollution, a community that faced unprecedented actions by the Trump DOJ claims victory for their health and environment.

In the News: Detroit News February 5, 2021

Biden's EPA ends appeal, cementing DTE Energy-Sierra Club settlement

Shannon Fisk, Managing Attorney, Coal Program, Earthjustice: "The ability of front-line communities to fully pursue the rights and protections promised by the federal Clean Air Act is critical to advancing environmental justice, and EPA’s decision enables us to now focus fully on ensuring that the agreement with DTE brings meaningful relief to the River Rouge,…

The River Rouge coal-fired power plant. Detroit Edison’s coal plants in Michigan have emitted hundreds to thousands of tons of additional harmful air pollutants every year.
(Photo courtesy of the State of Michigan)
case December 3, 2020

Taking on Detroit Edison’s Dirty Fossil Fuel Fleet

When the Clean Air Act was passed in 1970, the law allowed many existing coal plants, oil refineries and other facilities to continue running without having to install the best available pollution controls required for new facilities. The theory was that these aging facilities would shut down quickly in favor of new, modern plants. If…

Press Release: Victory December 3, 2020

Judge Rejects US Department of Justice Opposition to Millions in Investments for Vulnerable Communities in Southeast Michigan

Trump administration blocked from interfering in agreement that would provide funding for electric buses, environmental projects in communities burdened by decades of air pollution

document August 6, 2020

Sierra Club's Reply in Support of Motion to Enter Agreement Between Sierra Club and DTE

The U.S. wrongly argues that the Agreement must undergo judicial review even though neither DTE nor Sierra Club is asking the Court to enforce, or otherwise maintain jurisdiction over, the private contract reflected therein.