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document March 14, 2022

SoCalGas Emails on Federal Energy Efficiency Standards

These 2015 SoCalGas internal emails shows the fossil fuels company discussing new federal energy efficiency standards. The document was uncovered in the course of an investigation from the California Public Utilities Commission’s watchdog.

document March 14, 2022

SoCalGas email to American Public Gas Association on climate action

This is a 2016 email from SoCalGas to the American Public Gas Association about climate action. The document was uncovered in the course of an investigation from the California Public Utilities Commission’s watchdog.

document May 21, 2021

Sierra Club Appeal of Presiding Officer's Decision Ordering Remedies for Southern California Gas Company's Activities that Misaligned with Commission Intent for Codes and Standards Advocacy

Southern California Gas Company (“SoCalGas”) used ratepayer money to finance a long-running campaign to undermine efficiency standards at all levels of government, particularly when the Company determined that stronger efficiency standards could threaten its business interests by making gas appliances less competitive against electric options. Yet despite the Presiding Officer’s Decision finding that SoCalGas’ actions were “improper” and “result[ed] in appreciable harm to the regulatory process,” the Decision fails to impose meaningful consequences. By not assessing penalties for SoCalGas’ blatant, well-documented violations and only requiring a return of shareholder incentives and a portion of misspent funds, the Presiding Officer’s Decision commits legal error. The Presiding Officer’s Decision is an abdication of the Commission’s responsibility to deter future misconduct and duty to impose penalties for violations of Commission requirements.

In the News: How to Save a Planet April 29, 2021

Listener Mail: Is Renewable Natural Gas a Scam?

Matt Vespa, Attorney, Clean Energy Program, Earthjustice: “You got busted, and you’re out. And they just kind of slinkered away.”

Cooking on an electric induction stove. Children who grow up in a home with a gas stove are 42% more likely to develop asthma than those who don’t. Stronger efficiency standards pose threats to SoCalGas' business.
(Tom Werner / Getty Images)
case April 22, 2021

Holding Utilities Accountable for Improperly Using Customer Money

Environmental and watchdog groups exposed a campaign by the Southern California Gas Company that used customer money to fight stronger energy efficiency rules at the federal, state, and local levels in a campaign that sabotaged California’s clean energy progress. From at least 2014 to 2017, SoCalGas fought efficiency rules that threatened its profits, dipping into…

An overhead photo of SoCalGas's leaking Aliso Canyon well pad in 2015, which polluted the Porter Ranch community in Los Angeles County in California's largest climate disaster.
(Earthworks / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release April 22, 2021

California Finds Southern California Gas Company Inflicted “Appreciable Harm” in Climate Obstruction and Abuse of Funds, but Fails to Levy Penalty

Decision from the California Public Utilities Commission not nearly enough to hold SoCalGas accountable for web of deceit

document November 5, 2020

Opening Brief: Environmental Advocates Ask California Agency to Fine SoCalGas $255 Million for Abusing Funds to Subvert Climate Action

The Sierra Club, represented by Earthjustice, filed a brief asking the California Public Utilities Commission to hold Southern California Gas Company accountable for the utility’s long campaign to sabotage clean energy progress in California.

document November 5, 2020

Opening Brief: Consumer Advocate Asks California Agency to Fine SoCalGas $255 Million for Abusing Funds to Subvert Climate Action

The consumer watchdog within the California Public Utilities Commission, the Public Advocates Office, joins Earthjustice and Sierra Club in filing a brief calling for $255 million in fines for SoCalGas.

Press Release November 5, 2020

Environmental and Consumer Advocates Ask California Agency to Fine SoCalGas $255 Million for Abusing Funds to Subvert Climate Action

Brief filed before the California Public Utilities Commission details six years of SoCalGas efforts to weaken federal, state, and city climate regulations

Press Release October 29, 2020

Senator Feinstein and Representative Barragán Demand Answers from SoCalGas Over Attempts to “Systematically Undermine” California Climate Policy

Earthjustice and Sierra Club join California lawmakers in call for accountability over SoCalGas’ unlawful efforts to stall action on climate

From the Experts July 26, 2019

SoCalGas’ Reckless Strategy to Keep California Tied to Combustion

Through a network of front-groups, lobbyists, and PR firms, SoCalGas is funding and coordinating a misinformation campaign to greenwash gas and stoke local opposition to building electrification.

document June 20, 2019

SoCalGas Protest Before California Public Utilities Commission

Earthjustice and Sierra Club advocated against SoCalGas in proceedings before the California Public Utilities Commission.

A truck leaves the Aliso Canyon facility in Los Angeles, where the largest gas leak in U.S. history occurred three years ago.
(Edward Clynes for Earthjustice)
From the Experts January 4, 2019

We Shouldn’t Have to Pay for Gas Company’s Lobbying

Families in some parts of California are footing the bill for a multi-million dollar lobbying effort to stop California’s clean energy progress.