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In the News: CleanLaw April 8, 2021

Environmental Racism in North Carolina Hog Farming

Alexis Andiman, Attorney, Sustainable Food & Farming Program, Earthjustice: “Title VI connects to health and the environment because many state agencies receive money from EPA and Title VI prevents those agencies from accepting that money and also authorizing pollution that has an unjustified unequal impact.”

A flooded factory farm waste lagoon in Goldsboro, N.C.
Article December 13, 2018

A Stench That Sickens, and an EPA That Doesn’t Care

The public can comment through Dec. 14 on an EPA rule that would shield thousands of livestock facilities from reporting toxic emissions.

Article July 7, 2016

El Precio Del Puerco

Los grupos Environmental Working Group y Waterkeeper Alliance dieron a conocer un reporte en el que se encontró que las operaciones de productos animales en Carolina del Norte producen casi 10 mil millones de galones de materia fecal animal cada año, con la mayor parte proveniente de las instalaciones donde se cría ganado porcino.

A new report sheds light on the severity of North Carolina’s pig waste problems.
Article July 7, 2016

The Price of Pork

A new report sheds light on the severity of North Carolina’s pig waste problems.

The expansion of ExxonMobil’s Beaumont Refinery in Texas is one of the cases where the EPA failed to investigate civil rights complaints filed more than a decade ago. (Randy Edwards / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
feature March 8, 2016

What You Need To Know About Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination on the basis of color, religion, national origin and gender. The text of the law is thematically organized into eleven sections, Title I to Title XI. Title VI is of particular significance. Find out why.

A pig on a farm at Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, North Carolina. Industrial agribusiness hog farms in the state raise on average 5,000 hogs per farm and produce immense amounts of waste.
(Kevin Schraer/CC BY-NC 2.0)
Article December 11, 2015

Hogwash from the Pork Industry

The biggest agribusiness companies in the world want you to think they’re standing up for small family farms—but that’s a load of manure.

Pastor Ron Smith with his mother Ann Smith, retired teacher and community leader, in Ann's office at her home near Tallassee, AL. Ann and her late husband, Thomas Smith, were the first ones to speak up against irregularities in the Stone's Throw landfill's operation.
(Jeronimo Nisa for Earthjustice)
feature October 30, 2015

Corrigiendo Las Injusticias Civiles Del Pasado

Desde California hasta Michigan, las comunidades de color de bajos recursos llevan años esperando que la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EEUU (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) tome una posición respecto al racismo medioambiental.

Pastor Ron Smith with his mother Ann Smith, retired teacher and community leader, in Ann's office at her home near Tallassee, AL. Ann and her late husband, Thomas Smith, were the first ones to speak up against irregularities in the Stone's Throw landfill's operation.
(Jeronimo Nisa for Earthjustice)
feature October 30, 2015

Righting Civil Wrongs

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is one of the few enforceable civil rights laws that cover environmental actions. And from California to Michigan, low-income communities of color have been waiting years for the EPA to take a stand against environmental racism.

document February 25, 2015

EPA Notice of Acceptance of North Carolina Civil Rights Investigation

EPA Launches Investigation of North Carolina for Civil Rights violations

An industrial hog facility in North Carolina. Hog feces and urine are flushed into open, unlined pits and then sprayed onto nearby fields. The practice leads to waste contaminating nearby waters, and drifting as "mist" onto neighboring properties.
(Photo courtesy of Friends of Family Farmers)
Press Release February 25, 2015

EPA Launches Investigation of North Carolina for Civil Rights Violations

Groups allege State’s lax regulation of hog operations has disproportionate impact on communities of color

An industrial hog facility in North Carolina. Hog feces and urine are flushed into open, unlined pits and then sprayed onto nearby fields. The practice leads to waste contaminating nearby waters, and drifting as "mist" onto neighboring properties. (Friends of Family Farmers)
case September 4, 2014

Petitioning EPA on Civil Rights Violations

The North Carolina Environmental Justice Network, Rural Empowerment Association for Community Help and Waterkeeper Alliance, supported by Earthjustice, have filed a complaint with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Civil Rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 alleging that North Carolina’s lax regulation of hog waste disposal discriminates against communities…

North Carolina’s lax regulation of hog waste disposal discriminates against communities of color.
Press Release September 4, 2014

Community Groups Petition EPA for Precedent Setting Case on Civil Rights Violations

Decade-long struggle with North Carolina over public health shifts to the EPA as community groups state lax oversight of hog operations violates civil rights.