La administración Biden cancela ofertas ilegales y abre nuevos procesos que podrían preservar las preciadas tierras árticas en Alaska, pero se necesita más para abordar la mayor amenaza climática: más perforaciones en los arrendamientos de petróleo y gas existentes en el Ártico occidental.
Biden administration cancels illegal leases and opens new processes that could preserve cherished Arctic lands in Alaska. More is needed to tackle the biggest climate threat: further oil drilling on existing oil and gas leases in the Western Arctic
Offshore exploratory drilling could occur in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas as early as July; oil spill in the Arctic Ocean would devastate pristine waters
Earthjustice joins 45 groups to urge the United States Senate to reconsider any plans to include expanded offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling in any legislation.
Outside the industrialized oil fields of Prudhoe Bay, vast areas of relatively untouched wildlife habitat remain in Alaska’s Western Arctic. This region includes the 23-million acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, the largest unprotected block of land in the federal land system. The Reserve consists of varied ecosystems and habitats, from coastal lagoons to Arctic tundra and…
The US District Court for Alaska issued a strongly worded decision that could save the internationally significant wildlife habitat around Teshekpuk Lake in the Northeast Planning Area of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska (NPRA).