This case challenges the U.S. Forest Service’s decision to approve the expansion of an open pit mine whose water pumping is drying up Pinto Creek and putting vulnerable species at risk.
Comments submitted by Earthjustice on behalf of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa requesting a more thorough review by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of the impacts of Enbridge’s proposed Line 5 reroute project.
Letter to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding notice of intent to sue under the Clean Air Act over failure to take over the main Title V Permit for Valero’s Houston refinery.
A federal district court judge has granted a temporary restraining order sought by Earthjustice on behalf of the Hualapai Tribe to freeze a lithium drilling operation that is endangering their lands, including a sacred medicinal spring called Ha’Kamwe’.
Residents are concerned Grays Harbor plant could cause environmental and human health harm before state hearings board rules on legality of its air permit
Five Northwest and national environmental groups ask the Washington Pollution Control Hearings Board to stay an air permit for an industrial-scale wood pellet plant in Hoquiam, Washington, suspending construction and operation of the facility until the legal challenge is resolved.
Petition to the Environmental Protection Agency to object to Title V permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for Valero Houston refinery.
Mae Manupipatpong, Attorney, International Program: “The environmental harms don’t just stop at arbitrary borders, and cultural rights don’t really either.”