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A Rice’s whale, one of Earth’s rarest whales. (Lisa Conger / Beth Josephson / Permit #21938 / NOAA Fisheries)
Press Release: Victory August 20, 2024

Court Orders Government to Protect Rare Gulf Whales, Sea Turtles, and Imperiled Marine Species from Damaging Effects of Offshore Drilling

Court rules that the official biological opinion is not adequate to protect species

Fishing skiffs tied up on the riverbank along the Kuskokwim River in the village of Akiachak, Alaska. (Design Pics Inc / Alamy)
Article October 1, 2024

Alaska Tribes Win Legal Fight Against Gold Mine

The massive Donlin Gold Mine, if built, would pose grave risks to Kuskokwim River communities.

The Kuskokwim River provides a critical source of wild food and serves as a bedrock of identity and cultural values for Alaska Native Tribal citizens and community members living downstream from the Donlin mine site.
Press Release: Victory September 30, 2024

Six Tribes in Southwest Alaska Win Legal Challenge Against the Donlin Gold Mine

The federal court ruling in Alaska declares that a key federal permit authorizing the construction and operation of the world’s largest pure gold mine violates environmental and subsistence protection laws

document August 19, 2024

Ruling: Gulf of Mexico Drilling Biological Opinion

U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland strikes down a flawed federal agency assessment that governs how endangered and threatened marine species should be protected from Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas drilling.

document August 19, 2024

Order: Gulf of Mexico Drilling Biological Opinion

Order from the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland striking down a flawed federal agency assessment that governs how endangered and threatened marine species should be protected from Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas drilling.

In the News: KYUK May 28, 2024

Pipeline proposed to power Donlin mine could have impacts from Y-K Delta to Cook Inlet

Olivia Glasscock, Attorney, Alaska Office, Earthjustice: “Unless you look at the whole project, you’re not actually going to understand the impacts on the public interest.”

In the News: Capitol Alert September 19, 2024

Environmentalists file lawsuit against Port of Stockton over ‘dirty’ hydrogen project

Katrina Tomas, Associate Attorney, California Regional Office: “This is dirty hydrogen, delivered by dirty trucks, for potentially dirty uses. If the port wants to build this project, it must do a better job explaining how it will clean up all of this pollution. At a time when the climate crisis is devastating our state with…

document June 20, 2024

Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Maui Na Wai Eha Stream Opinion

We therefore vacate the Commission’s Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order issued June 28, 2021, as amended by Errata issued June 30, 2021, with respect to the IIFS and the delegation of the Commission’s public trust duties. Other than for the reasons given in this opinion for vacatur or remand, we affirm. We remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Press Release September 18, 2024

Lawsuit Challenges California Dirty Hydrogen Project

Port of Stockton Plant would pollute air, climate in community burdened by high pollution

In the News: The Mercury News May 23, 2024

Opinion: What Newsom should do next to curb Big Oil emissions

An opinion piece from Sasan Saadat (senior policy analyst on Earthjustice’s Right To Zero campaign) and Amelia Keyes (attorney at Communities for a Better Environment).

For more than 100 million years, sea turtles have charted the seven seas. (Irina Kozhemyakina / iStockphoto)
From the Experts February 8, 2024

Animal Magnetism: Sea turtles may follow Earth’s pull to navigate home

We’re fighting to protect the Gulf’s imperiled species as oil and gas corporations run freighters through precious habitat, drill deeper, and blast along the Gulf floor.

Rainbow smelt, whitefish, and trout are also plentiful in the Kuskokwim.
(Dave Cannon)
feature November 2, 2021

Donlin Gold Mine Jeopardizes a Way of Life in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta

Alaska Native Tribes who live downstream from the proposed Donlin mine site are facing off against the existential threat the gold mine poses.

In the News: Philadelphia Inquirer May 29, 2024

Philadelphia’s Black communities would suffer most from weakened air pollution rules

An opinion piece by Marvin C. Brown IV, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office, Earthjustice

Earthjustice is representing Restore the Delta to oppose a massive diversion of fresh water from California’s Delta for Governor Jerry Brown's proposed “Twin Tunnels” project.
(California Department of Water Resources)
Press Release September 2, 2016

Impacts of Delta Tunnels Proposal

Delta community submits testimony to State Water Board hearing

A grizzly bear in a Montana forest. (Beth Hibschman / Getty Images)
Press Release August 27, 2024

Government Appeals Grizzly Protections in Flathead, Plaintiffs to Defend Win

Earthjustice will go to court to defend its victory limiting road building in grizzly habitat

Earthjustice está representando legalmente al grupo Restore the Delta, el cual se opone a un desvío masivo de agua dulce del Delta de California como lo contempla el proyecto “Túneles Gemelos” propuesto por el Gobernador Jerry Brown.
(California Department of Water Resources)
Press Release September 2, 2016

Impactos de la Propuesta para Túneles en el Delta

Comunidades del Delta brindan testimonio en audiencia pública ante la Junta Estatal del Agua

In the News: Slate June 9, 2024

Samuel Alito Took a Blowtorch to Environmental Law

An opinion piece by Sam Sankar, Senior Vice President of Programs, Earthjustice

Fishing skiffs tied up on the riverbank along the Kuskokwim River in the village of Akiachak, Alaska. (Design Pics Inc / Alamy)
Update March 19, 2024

Alaska Native Communities Are Standing up to a Gold Mine

Represented by Earthjustice, six Tribes are challenging the proposed Donlin Mine project in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.