Governor Hochul has maintained a blockade of the Congestion Pricing Program. While the Program was set to begin delivering results for New Yorkers on June 30, hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of toll-collecting infrastructure instead sits idle and hundreds of thousands of vehicles sit caught in gridlocked Manhattan.
Over 60 groups urge representatives to oppose the House Natural Resources Committee (HNRC) bills to weaken the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Earthjustice writes in strong opposition to the proposed Farm Bill. This partisan bill undermines the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) essential investments in climate-smart agriculture programs, removing a critical tool for farmers to address climate change, improve profitability, and advance their resilience in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather events.
Letter in opposition to H.R. 3397, the Western Economic Security Today (WEST) Act of 2023. This dangerous legislation circumvents the administrative process, stifles public input, ignores the law, and halts the implementation of an overdue regulatory update which balances management of public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management.
Each legal matter that Earthjustice takes on is a commitment to our clients and partners — a promise to fight alongside them for however long it takes.
Stefanie Tsosie, Attorney, Tribal Partnerships Program: “The Bad River Band is already at a risk of an oil spill because the pipeline is going directly through their reservation. And the re-route, if you look at the map, it’s basically hugging the reservation boundaries.”
Opposition grows as poison pills appear in previews of the Farm Bill text by Republican House Ag Committee Chair Glenn Thompson which include reductions in key climate and nutrition programs and undercuts to bedrock environmental law and Endangered Species Act
H.R. 764, the “Trust the Science Act,” undermines the integrity of the Endangered Species Act by forcing the reinstatement of the Trump administration’s scientifically indefensible rule delisting the gray wolf.
H.R. 2925, the so-called “Mining Regulatory Clarity Act,” represents an unprecedented, de facto giveaway of America’s cherished public lands to mining corporations, upending and reversing over one hundred years of public land law precedent.
70+ organizations express strong opposition to H.R. 7408, the America’s Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Act. This bill is a transparent attempt to weaken the Endangered Species Act and hamstring the conservation of our most imperiled species and their habitats.