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The U.S. Supreme Court. (Shutterstock)
Press Release July 11, 2024

Earthjustice Supports New Legislation to Safeguard Federal Protections and Reverse Damaging Corner Post Supreme Court Decision

Recent Supreme Court decision exposes federal protections to tidal wave of industry litigation attacking long-standing public protections

Press Release April 28, 2023

Earthjustice Opposes Save Our Sequoias Act

The bill would weaken existing environmental laws and could potentially expedite harmful logging operations in sequoia groves.

The newly restored flows to Wailuku River in October 2014. (Kapua Sproat / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 24, 2024

Hawai‘i’s High Court Issues Another Historic Ruling in Maui “Four Waters” Case

State Water Commission failed to restore stream flows after closure of last sugar plantation

The U.S. Supreme Court. (Stefani Reynolds / AFP via Getty Images)
Press Release July 1, 2024

Supreme Court Decision on Corner Post Jeopardizes Environmental Protections

The SCOTUS ruling could delay challenges to harmful regulations

page July 11, 2024

Privacy Policy

At Earthjustice, your privacy and security are critically important to us. Learn how we collect, store, and use your information, as well as how to manage your information and unsubscribe from emails or postal mail.

Press Release June 22, 2022

Earthjustice and Coalition of Conservation Groups Oppose ‘Save Our Sequoias Act’

The bill would weaken existing environmental laws and could potentially expedite harmful logging operations in sequoia groves.

The Greenidge Generating Station on the west shore of Seneca Lake, near Dresden, New York.
(Lauren Petracca for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory May 9, 2024

Another Decision Upholds Denial of Cryptominer Greenidge Generation’s Air Permit – DEC Case Closed

Climate-killing crypto miner Greenidge Generation became a national story and test case for how states should handle the exploitative and extractive crypto mining industry

The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.
(Architect of the Capitol)
Article June 28, 2024

Supreme Court Eliminates Longstanding Legal Principle in Ruling About Fisheries Management

What you need to know about Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, and how the Court’s ruling jeopardizes the government’s ability to regulate

document June 22, 2022

Sequoias Opposition Letter

Earthjustice and a coalition of more than 80 conservation organizations sent a letter to Members of Congress in opposition to the Save Our Sequoias Act by Reps. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Scott Peters (D-CA). The bill would weaken existing environmental laws and could potentially expedite harmful logging operations in sequoia groves.

The Bristol Bay area of Alaska, where the proposed Pebble Mine threatens both one of the largest salmon spawning grounds in the world and the way of life for an entire area. (Pat Clayton / Fish Eye Guy Photography)
Press Release May 17, 2024

Conservation Groups Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision on the Proposed Pebble Mine

Earthjustice and NRDC join with Trustees for Alaska on behalf of 15 groups to defend Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine

Press Release June 28, 2024

Corte Suprema Elimina Principio Legal Sobre La Regulación Federal

El fallo traslada el equilibrio de poder a la rama judicial

The U.S. Supreme Court. (Stefani Reynolds / AFP via Getty Images)
Press Release June 28, 2024

Supreme Court Eliminates Longstanding Legal Principle Concerning Federal Regulation

Ruling shifts balance of power to judicial branch

(Maciej Toporowicz / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory June 13, 2024

D.C. Public Service Commission Says No to $672 Million Gas Pipe Replacement Program

The Public Service Commission unanimously voted not to fund Washington Gas’s ProjectPipes 3

Sockeye salmon race through the Alagnak River in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed.
(Photo courtesy of Fish Eye Guy Photography)
Update May 20, 2024

Earthjustice Returns to Court to Protect Huge Win Against Proposed Pebble Mine

The proposed mine would destroy nearly 100 miles of fish stream habitat and 2,100 acres of wetlands, lakes, and ponds.

Press Release: Victory August 22, 2006

Giant Sequoia National Monument Wins Court Protection

Judge rules against Bush administration logging plan

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 3, 2024

The Public v. the Power Companies

See how Earthjustice makes the case before public utility commissions for a faster, fairer transition to clean energy.

North Antelope Rochelle Mine in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. (EcoFlight)
Update May 21, 2024

Coal Mining Winding Down in the Nation’s Largest Coal-Producing Region

The Biden administration announced that it will end coal leasing in the Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming, keeping billions of tons of highly polluting coal in the ground.

Commissioner John A. Tuma, left, speaks during a Minnesota Public Utilities Commission meeting in 2018, in St. Paul, Minn. (Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Star Tribune via AP)
feature May 15, 2024

Want to Lower Your Power Bills and Help Your State Fight Climate Change? Here’s Who to Talk to

In public utility commissions, Earthjustice is helping communities push for clean, affordable electricity for all.