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EPA has failed to protect children from pesticides when they drift from treated fields into nearby yards, homes, schools, parks and daycare centers. (Rob Marmion / Shutterstock)
Press Release July 18, 2024

EPA Reaffirms Continued Use of Pesticide Linked to Learning Disabilities

Decision ignores established science and puts children and farmworkers at risk

(Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
Press Release June 12, 2024

Alaska, Washington Tribes condemn BC’s flawed consultation policy

New and diminished engagement with U.S. Tribes violates Provincial law

feature April 9, 2024

What You Need To Know About Chlorpyrifos

The neurotoxic pesticide harms children and the environment. There are no safe uses for chlorpyrifos.

The Cheswick Generating Station operated next door to homes in Springdale, Penn., for more than 50 years until it finally closed in 2022. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature July 19, 2024

We’re Still Cleaning Up the Trump Administration’s Environmental Messes

Earthjustice successfully blocked much damage, and we’ve seen progress toward repair under the Biden administration. But we will never recover some of what was lost.

The U.S. Supreme Court. (Shutterstock)
Press Release July 11, 2024

Earthjustice Supports New Legislation to Safeguard Federal Protections and Reverse Damaging Corner Post Supreme Court Decision

Recent Supreme Court decision exposes federal protections to tidal wave of industry litigation attacking long-standing public protections

A farmworker harvesting strawberries in Salinas, about 20 miles from the Pajaro Valley. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release April 4, 2024

Teachers, Community Groups, and Farmworkers File Lawsuit Challenging Toxic Pesticide Approvals Near Public Schools in Monterey County

Regulators are failing to protect children from repeat exposure to the most dangerous pesticides

A child fills a drinking glass with water from the faucet. (Cavan Images)
Press Release April 30, 2024

EPA Proposes Banning Toxic Food Pesticide Over Drinking Water Concerns

Acephate has been linked to low IQ, attention deficit disorders, and autism 

Organophosphates are acutely toxic and associated with neurodevelopmental harms in children
(Austin Valley / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release September 20, 2023

Voices Across the U.S. Demand Ban on Brain-Harming Pesticide by Any Means Necessary

Advocates praise bill introduction in Congress and urge EPA for a full ban

The newly restored flows to Wailuku River in October 2014. (Kapua Sproat / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 24, 2024

Hawai‘i’s High Court Issues Another Historic Ruling in Maui “Four Waters” Case

State Water Commission failed to restore stream flows after closure of last sugar plantation

The U.S. Supreme Court. (Stefani Reynolds / AFP via Getty Images)
Press Release July 1, 2024

Supreme Court Decision on Corner Post Jeopardizes Environmental Protections

The SCOTUS ruling could delay challenges to harmful regulations

feature August 4, 2021

Organophosphate Pesticides in the United States

Find out what foods have high residues of these pesticide, where they are used, and how we are exposed.

A crane lifts a wind turbine rotor onto a tower north of Abilene, Texas. (Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images)
Update June 27, 2024

We’re Defending the People’s Environmental Law in Court from Partisan Attacks

Final updates to National Environmental Policy Act ensure that communities will not be sacrificed as clean energy infrastructure ramps up.

Navajo community leader Daniel Tso speaks out against fracking at a meeting that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The law gives communities a chance to speak out against projects that will impact them.
(Steven St. John for Earthjustice)
Press Release June 27, 2024

Environmental and Labor Coalition Seeks to Block Baseless Partisan Attacks on Bedrock Environmental Law

Republican-led lawsuit would dismantle revitalized NEPA rules that highlight environmental justice and climate change

A honey bee alights on a cherry blossom in Stockton, California. Bees and other insects face a global extinction crisis.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory December 13, 2023

Federal Appeals Court Rules Use of Antibiotic as Citrus Pesticide Is Unlawful, Vacates EPA Approval

The decision protects the health of farmworkers who would otherwise face heightened risk of antibiotic-resistant infections, pollinators, and imperiled species

page July 11, 2024

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At Earthjustice, your privacy and security are critically important to us. Learn how we collect, store, and use your information, as well as how to manage your information and unsubscribe from emails or postal mail.

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 3, 2024

The Public v. the Power Companies

See how Earthjustice makes the case before public utility commissions for a faster, fairer transition to clean energy.

The Greenidge Generating Station on the west shore of Seneca Lake, near Dresden, New York.
(Lauren Petracca for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory May 9, 2024

Another Decision Upholds Denial of Cryptominer Greenidge Generation’s Air Permit – DEC Case Closed

Climate-killing crypto miner Greenidge Generation became a national story and test case for how states should handle the exploitative and extractive crypto mining industry

feature August 4, 2021

Chlorpyrifos in the United States: Harmful Health Effects and Widespread Use

Chlorpyrifos is one of the most dangerous, widely used organophosphate pesticides that still remain in use in the United States.