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Press Release July 24, 2024

EPA Proposes Designating Vinyl Chloride as a High-Priority Chemical 40 Years After It Was Declared Cancerous

New report calls on EPA to conduct comprehensive chemical review

page July 11, 2024

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The U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C (Architect of the Capitol)
Press Release July 9, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Recklessly Partisan Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill

“We urge Congress to reject this partisan exercise and instead craft a bill that addresses the challenges we face.”

In the News: The Progressive Magazine July 17, 2024

How SCOTUS Granted Donald Trump an Immortal Veto

An opinion piece by Sam Sankar, Senior Vice President of Programs, Earthjustice

Aerial view of the smelting complex in the city of La Oroya, Peru in 2022. La Oroya is one of the most polluted localities on the planet. (Ernesto Benavides / AFP via Getty Images)
From the Experts: Victory June 20, 2024

La Oroya v. Peru: Historic Precedent on Human Rights and the Environment

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights set an important precedent for state oversight of industrial pollution.

document March 22, 2024

Wyoming Lease Sale Summary Judgment Order

A federal court ruled that the Bureau of Land Management’s decision to lease nearly 120,000 acres of federal land for oil and gas development in June 2022 violated the law.

Navajo community leader Daniel Tso speaks out against fracking at a meeting that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The law gives communities a chance to speak out against projects that will impact them.
(Steven St. John for Earthjustice)
Press Release June 27, 2024

Environmental and Labor Coalition Seeks to Block Baseless Partisan Attacks on Bedrock Environmental Law

Republican-led lawsuit would dismantle revitalized NEPA rules that highlight environmental justice and climate change

document February 16, 2024

Electron Dam Summary Judgment Order

A portion of Washington’s Electron Dam must be removed from the Puyallup River following a historic district court ruling. The decision will allow water to flow naturally along the river for the first time in nearly 100 years.

A crane lifts a wind turbine rotor onto a tower north of Abilene, Texas. (Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images)
Update June 27, 2024

We’re Defending the People’s Environmental Law in Court from Partisan Attacks

Final updates to National Environmental Policy Act ensure that communities will not be sacrificed as clean energy infrastructure ramps up.

Press Release June 21, 2024

Community Fights For Clean Air, Challenges Bloomington Warehouse In Court

Predominantly working class Latino community targeted with a disproportionate number of industrial projects

The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.
(Architect of the Capitol)
Article June 28, 2024

Supreme Court Eliminates Longstanding Legal Principle in Ruling About Fisheries Management

What you need to know about Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, and how the Court’s ruling jeopardizes the government’s ability to regulate

Vast warehouses bump up against homes in Southern California. (David McNew / The New York Times)
From the Experts June 24, 2024

California Reins in Its Smoggy Warehouse Problem

A new approach to mega warehouse pollution is showing early success in the fight against diesel pollution. Everyone should be talking about Indirect Source Rules.

Homes are adjacent to a Shell refinery in Norco, Louisiana. (Brad Zweerink / Earthjustice)
Press Release January 23, 2024

Federal Court Deals Major Blow to Environmental Civil Rights Enforcement

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ruling restricts EPA and DOJ from protecting Louisiana communities from disparate environmental impacts

View of Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake. (Nick Pedersen / Getty Images)
Press Release January 17, 2024

State of Utah Releases Inadequate Plan to Save the Great Salt Lake

Conservation groups demand that the state stop approving and address upstream water diversions

Farmers in Iowa, like Seth Watkins shown here feeding his cows, are restoring the land and climate by combining age-old practices with new knowledge. (Brad Zweerink for Earthjustice)
Press Release May 1, 2024

Earthjustice Praises Senator Stabenow’s Farm Bill, Urges Bipartisanship

“Senator Stabenow’s call for a bipartisan process is exactly what we need, and the Senate should quickly work together on advancing a Farm Bill that addresses the modern challenges we face.”

Map of smog air pollution by county in 2022. (Air Quality System Data / U.S. EPA)
feature November 29, 2023

What’s the state of smog pollution where you live?

Search by county to see the level of smog pollution in the air. Smog can trigger asthma attacks and increase the risk of heart and lung diseases.

Map of soot air pollution by county in 2022. (Air Quality System Data / U.S. EPA)
feature November 29, 2023

What’s the state of soot pollution where you live?

Search by county to see the level of soot pollution in the air. Soot causes death and serious health harms.

Aerial view of the smelting complex in the city of La Oroya, Peru in 2022. La Oroya is one of the most polluted localities on the planet. (Ernesto Benavides / AFP via Getty Images)
From the Experts: Victory June 20, 2024

La Oroya vs. Perú: Precedente Histórico Sobre Derechos Humanos y el Medio Ambiente

La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos estableció un precedente importante para la fiscalización de la contaminación industrial por parte de los Estados.