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"Energy bars of the sea," Pacific sardines are small schooling fish that are essential food for humpback whales, dolphins, sea lions, brown pelicans, Chinook salmon, and other important commercially and recreationally caught fish and marine animals. (Klaus Stiefel / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Press Release: Victory April 26, 2024

Government Rebuilding Plan for Sardines on U.S. West Coast is Unlawful, Court Rules

Earthjustice, representing Oceana, prevails in lawsuit to recover Pacific sardines to protect whales, sea lions, seabirds, and other ocean animals that rely on the small fish for food

Press Release July 15, 2021

Earthjustice Sues Federal Government to Protect Overfished Pacific Sardines

Pacific sardines are key food for whales, seabirds, and salmon, yet fishery managers are failing to rebuild populations

Lau'ipala (yellow tang fish) swim in a coral reef off the island of Lānaʻi, Hawaii. Reefs are essential to biodiversity, with 25% of all marine species found in, on, or near
them. Healthy reefs also facilitate subsistence and commercial fishing, and they protect people from storm surges and floods, absorbing up to 97% of a shorebound wave’s energy. Around a billion people benefit from reefs. (M Swiet Productions / Getty Images)
feature March 14, 2024

Ocean Biodiversity

Ocean ecosystems are essential to our world, and thankfully, we can still chart a new path forward to protect them.

A humpback whale feeding in Monterey Bay, California.
(Tory Kallman/Shutterstock)
Article June 12, 2015

To Save the Whales, You Must First Save the Sardines

Sardines are in need of protections like those the menhaden, a similar species, received after their population reached the verge of collapse.

document April 22, 2024

Pacific Sardine Management Ruling

Ruling says government must establish new fisheries management measures to protect Pacific sardines and species that depend on them

Stacey Geis' daughter kayaking in Elkhorn Slough, located on the Monterey Bay coastline.
(Photo courtesy of Stacey Geis)
Article April 21, 2015

The Ripple Effect of Overfishing Our Oceans

There is a crisis occurring in the Bay Area: Since 2013, there has been a dramatic increase in sea lion strandings due to starvation.

Thousands of starving sea lions have washed up on California shores due to sardine overfishing.
(NOAA Fisheries / West Coast)
Press Release April 15, 2015

Pacific Fishery Management Council Shuts Down Sardine Fishery for Rest of Season

Dangerously low sardine populations, starving sea lions, brown pelicans now have a chance.

A humpback whale surfaces in Monterey Bay, during the feeding frenzy.
(Laura Oda / Earthjustice)
Article August 13, 2014

A Rejuvenating Display of Ocean Abundance

In the fight to protect the health of our planet and of our communities, we all need sweet moments of inspiration to refuel and rejuvenate us. I’ve just had one in Monterey Bay, California.

Oceans species are experiencing large-scale habitat loss caused by humans and climate change.
(Aqua Images / Shutterstock)
Press Release July 11, 2018

Earthjustice: “Throw Back” Dangerous Anti-Fisheries Bill

Legislation would gut federal protections that have rebuilt 44 overfished stocks since 2000

Protecting tiny forage fish like the anchovy is good for the ecosystem and the economy.
Press Release: Victory January 19, 2018

Court Rejects Catch Limit for California Anchovy Fishery Following Oceana Lawsuit

Ruling finds Fisheries Service disregarded best available science and failed to prevent overfishing

The National Marine Fisheries Service has finalized a rule that will protect dozens of species of small fish and squid that are an important part of the food chain for seabirds, whales and bigger fish.
(Guillaume Tunzini/iStock)
Article April 15, 2016

Ask First, Fish Later

Protecting tiny forage fish is good for the ecosystem and the economy.

Wisdom preens her chick on March 7, 2013.
(J. Klavitter / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Article April 11, 2013

Monday Reads: Wisdom’s Ageless Inspiration

The (at least) 62-year-old mother keeps calm and carries on.

feature October 26, 2012

Energy Bars of the Sea

Everything in the ocean is food to something else, a food web comprising many food chains. Earthjustice attorneys are stepping in to help stop the plunder of the ocean’s larders.

Article April 9, 2012

Little Fish Are a Big Deal

Over the last 100 years the industrial fishing fleet has become very good at strip-mining the ocean of forage fish

The "Sacred Cod" in Massachusetts' State House.
(Photo courtesy of Christina B. Castro)
Article March 15, 2012

Why The Cod Is Sacred

Over the past few decades, Earthjustice legal victories have been working to shape an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management in New England.

Article November 23, 2011

Stormy Waters: Earthjustice’s Andrea Treece

This is the fourth in a series of Q and As on Earthjustice’s oceans work, which works to prevent habitat loss and overfishing, as well as reduce the impacts of climate change on the ocean. Earthjustice attorney Andrea Treece is part of a core oceans litigation team whose work helps protect forage fish species like…

Press Release May 21, 2008

Report: Industrial Herring Trawlers Threaten New England's Oceans

New report exposes risk posed by mismanagement of large-scale fleet, proposes solutions