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staff December 19, 2016

Suzanne Novak

Suzanne is a litigator and policy advocate in the organization’s Healthy Communities Program, where she focuses on safe drinking water, with a current emphasis on lead and PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).

In the News: Kenosha News February 16, 2024

In race to prevent lead in our drinking water, who is being left behind?

Suzanne Novak, Attorney, Northeast Office: “If we don’t prohibit charging a customer, we may very well end up with a two-tiered system, where wealthier communities, which are disproportionately white, will have more of their lead service lines replaced than in other communities.”

Hope Grosse stands next to the Naval Air Warefare Center in Warminster, Pennsylvania, where PFAS-laden firefighting foam poisoned local streams.
(Matt Stanley for Earthjustice)
feature November 18, 2019

Toxic Taps

The military is running away from its legacy of PFAS-contaminated water.

Press Release November 30, 2023

EPA Announces Mandate to Replace All Lead Pipes Within 10 Years

Updated Lead and Copper Rule will finally require removal of lead service lines that deliver drinking water to almost 22 million people in the U.S.

Press Release December 9, 2022

EPA to Reconsider Stronger Rules for Lead in Drinking Water

Agency asks court to allow revisions and new rulemaking for the Lead and Copper Rule

Pastor Ron Smith with his mother Ann Smith, retired teacher and community leader, in Ann's office at her home near Tallassee, AL.
(Jeronimo Nisa for Earthjustice)
Press Release October 2, 2020

Federal Court Still Requires EPA to Enforce Civil Rights

Court rules in favor of communities, holding EPA accountable for failing to investigate civil rights complaints in a timely manner

An industrial hog facility in North Carolina. Hog feces and urine are flushed into open, unlined pits and then sprayed onto nearby fields. The practice leads to waste contaminating nearby waters, and drifting as "mist" onto neighboring properties.
(Photo courtesy of Friends of Family Farmers)
Press Release: Victory May 1, 2018

New York Supreme Court Strikes Down Department of Environmental Conservation’s Permit for Mega-dairies

Illegal permit allowed industrial animal operations to prepare pollution prevention plans without agency oversight or public input, threatening drinking and recreational waters

In the News: Washington Post May 15, 2021

Biden hopes to dig up the nation’s lead water pipes. This city wants his help.

Suzanne Novak, Attorney, Northeast Office, Earthjustice: “It’s been 30 years.”

Press Release April 27, 2021

EPA’s Newly Announced Plan to Rein in PFAS is Lacking

All loopholes chemical companies can exploit must be closed

Press Release April 27, 2021

Most PFAS Get Approved Through Loopholes. Advocates are Pushing to Change This.

Despite health risk, EPA grants exemptions for approving new toxic “forever chemicals”

Press Release March 11, 2021

Earthjustice Commends Delaying of Flawed Lead and Copper Rule

EPA seeking input from lead-poisoned communities is an encouraging step

Press Release January 15, 2021

EPA Challenged for Shirking Duty to Protect Communities from Lead

Civil rights and environmental groups sue to ensure protections for millions who rely on lead-piped drinking water

Press Release December 23, 2020

Actualización de Regla de Plomo y Cobre Seguirá Afectando a Menores Hispanos y Afroamericanos

Millones beben agua por tubería de plomo, pero la EPA no asume responsabilidades

Press Release December 22, 2020

EPA’s lead rule update fails children’s health

Millions are drinking lead-piped water, yet Trump’s EPA slows down pipe replacement

(Yipeng Ge / Getty Images)
feature October 9, 2020

Los Tóxicos PFAS, Paso por Paso

Qué son los PFAS, por qué son dañinos y qué podemos hacer para protegernos de ellos

As drinking water is one of the most common routes of exposure to PFAS, no level of cancer-causing, toxic chemicals PFAS should be allowed in our drinking water.
(Jose A. Bernat Bacete / Getty Images)
Press Release July 24, 2020

Upcoming NY State Dept of Health Vote on PFAS in Drinking Water to Take Place While DOH Stalls on Disclosing Critical Public Comments

The public and advocates are left in the dark about the basis for changes to the proposal, on which a vote will take place next week

Some 110 million Americans have been exposed to PFAS through drinking tainted water. (REAL444/Getty Images)
Press Release February 14, 2019

Wheeler’s Nationwide PFAS Action Plan Fails Communities

Weak U.S. EPA plan means families will suffer the consequences of PFAS pollution

Some 110 million Americans have been exposed to PFAS through drinking tainted water. (REAL444/Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory October 2, 2018

Earthjustice Celebrates Court Victory Allowing Communities Affected & Poisoned by PFAS Chemicals To Proceed With Lawsuit Against U.S. Navy

Families request medical monitoring after drinking tainted water