Andrea Treece

Senior Attorney Oceans Program


Media Inquiries

Julie Hauserman
Public Affairs and Communications Strategist
(850) 273-2898

Bar Admissions

CA, MA (inactive)

Andrea Treece is a senior attorney with the Oceans Program. Her work focuses on protecting marine biodiversity and promoting abundant, resilient ocean ecosystems. She has dedicated much of her career promoting ecosystem-based fishery management—shifting from an approach that treats fish as commodities to be exploited to one that recognizes that fish are wildlife that play critical ecological roles. She loves the challenge of weaving together law and science to develop better marine conservation policies and revels in a good analogy.

Prior to joining the Earthjustice Oceans Program in 2011, Andrea worked as a senior attorney in the Center for Biological Diversity’s Oceans Program, where she worked to protect majestic imperiled species like the leatherback sea turtle and blue whale (among others) and as an associate attorney with Earthjustice’s California Regional Office, where she worked to protect the equally majestic (in her eyes) delta smelt and salmon. She began her legal career with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Honors Program. Andrea received her B.A. in government and marine science from Smith College and received her joint law degree and masters of coastal environmental management from Duke University.

Outside of work, Andrea enjoys hiking, paddling, scuba diving, wildflower seeking, and critter-watching.

The Latest from Andrea Treece

March 27, 2024

In the News: Public News Service

Partial shutdown of crab fishing season considered to protect whales

"We leave too much gear on the water too late in the season, we wait until the risk is elevated. Too often, it's too late to protect those whales. And so we need to really learn our lesson from the past."
Orange coral, looking like a tree branch, growing in blue water with fish swimming nearby.
August 3, 2023

The Race to Save Corals at North America’s Only Barrier Reef

The fates of corals and humans are intertwined. Corals provide the highest biodiversity of any global ecosystem, and are among the Earth’s most threatened.
Parrotfish protect the coral reef ecosystem by grazing on algae that otherwise would smother the reef.
June 21, 2023

Coral Reefs Are in Trouble. Here’s Why I’m Still Hopeful.

We keep seeing evidence that corals can survive, become more resilient, and even recover if we give them a chance. We have the power to make that choice.
An oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, swims in the waters off Hawaii.
July 26, 2022

We’re Showing Sharks Some Legal Love

As part of our work to preserve biodiversity, Earthjustice has mounted a series of legal challenges to protect vulnerable shark species from industrial fishing.

November 10, 2021

In the News: Civil Beat

How The Magnuson-Stevens Act Shaped Hawaii’s Fishing Industry

“Certainly, behind the scenes, the CEOs of the car industry are having an influence, but they’re not writing the rules for their own industry.”
Humpback whale lunge feeding in an anchovy-rich cove, off the coast of Santa Cruz, California.
July 26, 2021

Congress Considering Revamp of Nation’s Key Fisheries Law

The climate crisis is changing oceans, our laws must address that
Pacific Leatherback Conservation Day
October 14, 2016

An Endangered Sea Turtle Offers His Two Cents

In recognition of Pacific Leatherback Conservation Day, one endangered sea turtle has some questions for the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Dusky shark
October 27, 2015

Dusky Sharks: Top Predators that Need Our Protection

Dusky sharks are top ocean predators—even hunting other sharks—but they’re no match for destructive longline fishing gear.
The humpback whale is one species that migrates along the California coast.
May 7, 2015

Whale Entanglement Sightings Reach Record High

What’s causing the record number of whale entanglements off of the Pacific coast? Earthjustice is on the case.
May 13, 2014

How a Biology Geek became an Ocean Lawyer

As a kid, the ocean gave me a sense of awe and belonging. I loved the other-worldly creatures of the sea and all the unexpected ways they interact with one another. I still love to be outside, in the water, exploring and observing the natural world. So why, in the name of all that is good and sensible, did I become a lawyer?