Bradley Marshall

Senior Attorney Florida Office


Media Inquiries

Julie Hauserman
Public Affairs and Communications Strategist
(850) 273-2898

Bar Admissions


Bradley Marshall is a senior attorney in the Florida regional office in Tallahassee, Florida. He graduated Vermont Law School in 2012 and is now living out his dream of defending the environment.

Outside of work, Bradley enjoys hiking, kayaking, cooking, watching Star Trek, and spending time with his wife.

The Latest from Bradley Marshall

March 3, 2025

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

Tampa Electric rate hike appealed to Florida Supreme Court

“We think the commission got it wrong and look forward to presenting our case to the Florida Supreme Court.”
March 2, 2025

In the News: WLRN Public Media

Florida Power & Light proposes higher rates over next 4 years. Consumer groups will contest

“This would be the largest rate increase in United States history, and that’s why we’re fighting it.”
February 4, 2025

In the News: Politico

PSC approves storm charges for TECO, Duke customers

"Simply put, this is unaffordable to many hard-working Floridians."
January 21, 2025

In the News: Politico

Court nixes Trump LNG-by-rail rule, citing ‘cataclysmic’ risk

“We’re pleased that the court saw the danger this rule posed to our nation’s communities. As we pointed out, it would only take 22 tank cars to hold the equivalent energy of the Hiroshima bomb.”
January 2, 2025

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

Tampa Electric, Duke seek big bill increases to pay for 2024 hurricanes

“At a time when Florida’s utilities are being authorized ever-higher profits, we think they should share some of the burden of these ever-increasing and more intense storms. It shouldn’t just be on hardworking Florida families to cover the cost.”
October 22, 2024

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

Tampa Electric wants ‘egregious’ profit from Floridians to help ailing finances, lawyers allege

“Residential customers should not be subsidizing the cost of any utility company, let alone a foreign one, nor should they be subsidizing TECO’s largest and wealthiest customers as they have been.”
October 9, 2024

In the News: Politico

Florida justices challenge PSC, FPL on rate deal that includes solar expansion

"It's basically free money for them — and making everyone else pay more."
A homeowner stretches out measuring tape along the bottom of a window frame outside of their home.
August 13, 2024

Más de 100 Mil Residentes de la Florida Ahorran Dinero en Sus Facturas de Luz Gracias a Nuestro Trabajo

En la batalla por reducir el uso de combustibles fósiles, una cosa es cierta: las medidas de eficiencia energética son la forma más barata y sencilla de hacerlo.
A homeowner stretches out measuring tape along the bottom of a window frame outside of their home.
August 9, 2024

We Just Helped More Than 100,000 Floridians Save Money on Their Energy Bills

In the battle to cut fossil fuel use, one thing is sure: energy efficiency measures are the cheapest and simplest way to go.
June 20, 2024

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

Across Florida, residents fear impact of higher Duke, Tampa Electric rates

Tampa Bay residents spoke before utility regulators at a rare set of public hearings. Florida residents pay some of the highest energy bills in the country.
June 13, 2024

In the News: Florida Phoenix

Hillsborough County citizens call on Florida PSC to reject TECO rate increase proposal

“They’re using a completely different cost of service methodology that is driving residential bills through the roof.”
May 23, 2024

In the News: Florida Phoenix

By signing bill deleting climate change from FL law, DeSantis shows he’s living in denial

“Out in the real world, citizens are dealing with devastating impacts as our climate heats up and gets more volatile. Heat is killing our reefs, our creatures, and even our citizens. State leaders should be doing all they can to protect and prepare us.”
April 29, 2024

In the News: Tallahassee Democrat

DEP intends to OK exploratory oil drilling in Apalachicola River floodplain

“The Apalachicola River is an outstanding Florida water and it is designated by the United Nations as an International Biosphere Reserve. It’s foolish to consider drilling for oil there, especially at a time when we know we need to be moving away from fossil fuels and towards the future, which is clearly renewable energy."
April 17, 2024

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

The obscure but powerful politicians who control Florida’s energy

“It’s not a secret that the utilities have a great deal of political power in Florida and have been able to get statutes that are beneficial to their interests and they’ve gotten favorable decisions at the Florida Public Service Commission.”
February 13, 2024

In the News: Miami Herald

Bill could boost Florida’s ‘renewable’ fuel industry. Critics say it will cost consumers

“That’s a recipe to make Florida the most expensive state in the nation.”
February 9, 2024

In the News: Orlando Sentinel

Florida could remove majority of climate change references from state law

“It does send a statement that even though we are seeing the impacts of climate change increasing every year in the state — more people being impacted by stronger hurricanes, we’re seeing sea level rise, we’re seeing hotter summers — that we don’t think that is something we should be thinking about in Florida.”
January 22, 2024

In the News: Fast Company

Florida burns its trash for energy. And now it wants to use climate funds to expand

“It is the dirtiest way to produce energy.”
March 15, 2023

Why we should oppose these legislative power grabs by Florida’s big utilities

Utility lobbyists are pushing flawed bills, and Florida legislators should vote no
July 11, 2022

In the News: Politico

Florida Power & Light withdraws winter storm plan after outcry

"It lacked justification and would have led to even more unnecessary generation and thus even higher bills for FPL customers."
June 28, 2022

In the News: Politico Pro

NextEra’s critics question costs and conservation goals in zero carbon plan

"A clean energy transition, on its own, is not enough. It needs to be a just transition, that treats FPL’s customers, including their low-income customers, fairly."
November 16, 2021

In the News: Washington Post

Regulators seek to suspend Trump rule on railway natural gas

“We don’t believe that LNG by rail should have ever been authorized in the first place, so we look forward to the authorization being suspended.”
March 17, 2021

In the News: WLRN

Local Governments Can't Ban Utility Use Of Certain Fuels Under Senate Bill

"Cities have been at the forefront in recognizing the threat of climate change and promoting the transition to renewable clean energy, and basically this is putting up a big stop sign and saying, 'no,' they are not allowed to take action to move the state forward and serve their own constituents,"
March 11, 2021

In the News: Delaware Currents

The Storage and Transportation of LNG: What Could Go Wrong?

“It would easily destroy an entire city.”
February 28, 2021

In the News: Miami Herald

Is rooftop solar under threat in Florida? Jacksonville offers glimpse into the future

“If the Legislature repealed the net metering requirement, you would see many utilities push for a policy similar to JEA’s, and as a result I think you would see solar installations by customers really plummet as you’re seeing in Jacksonville.”
February 23, 2021

In the News: Zenger News

U.S. Transportation Dept. To Study Undoing Trump-era Rules On Liquefied Natural Gas

“Considering how rushed through the original rule was and the severe lack of study that was done … I would hope that that process could be quite quick. I think we’ll know a lot more over the next few weeks about what the administration wants to do with this — whether they’re serious about repealing it, or whether we’re going to have to proceed through litigation.”
February 10, 2021

In the News: Politico

'It's not publicized' — the BPU's continued transparency problem

“Public input is critical to commissions and their decisions. They’re supposed to be representing the public’s interest and certainly the people who know best of how they’ll be affected by a decision are the people who will be affected ... Short-cutting the public out of the determination of the public interest seems very counterproductive.”
January 26, 2021

In the News: DeSmog

Regulators Discuss LNG-by-Rail Safety Concerns — After Approving New Rule To Allow Transporting LNG by Rail

"The Biden administration should take a very close look at reconsidering this rule in light of the overwhelming safety concerns. You are looking at a tremendous amount of energy that could destroy a very big area."
January 13, 2021

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

What would Biden rejoining the Paris Agreement mean for Florida?

“Any national policy that is going to help mitigate the worst possible climate impacts is going to have measurable benefits.”
A hand turns on a light switch on the wall.
August 27, 2020

Come on, Florida. It’s Time to Help More Citizens With Energy Efficiency

It’s ridiculous that Florida utilities rank near the bottom of all states when it comes to providing energy efficiency programs.
Gulf Power in Florida wanted to raise fixed charges for its customers by more than $30 a month, but Earthjustice obtained a settlement that withdraws the company’s proposal.
April 11, 2017

Earthjustice Defeats Huge Rate Hike for Florida Power Customers

Gulf Power in Florida wanted to raise fixed charges for its customers by more than $30 a month, but Earthjustice obtained a settlement that withdraws the company’s proposal.