Candice Youngblood

Associate Attorney California Office

Candice Youngblood, Associate Attorney

Media Inquiries

Zoe Woodcraft
Public Affairs and Communications Officer
(818) 606-7509

Bar Admissions



she / her

Candice Youngblood is an associate attorney with the California Regional Office, where she works on the Right To Zero campaign. She initially joined Earthjustice as a litigation assistant before law school and later returned as a Skadden Fellow. Her fellowship project focused on issues at the intersection of clean transportation and environmental justice.

Candice represents community and environmental groups in state and federal court and advocates for agencies to adopt zero-emissions industrial and transportation policies. Her work primarily focuses on shifting the production and movement of goods to zero-emissions by modernizing manufacturing facilities with clean heat technology and electrifying heavy-duty trucks. She also works to accelerate electric transit bus deployments to clean the air Angelenos breathe and create family-sustaining local jobs. Candice’s firsthand experience with the disproportionate harms of air pollution shapes her advocacy. Candice grew up with asthma in Los Angeles and the Inland Empire, and she comes from a family of truck drivers. She is deeply committed to ensuring the clean energy transition benefits both frontline communities and workers.

Candice earned undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, where she received the Francine Marie Diaz Memorial Award for her commitment to social justice through legal services and advocacy. She clerked for the Honorable Dale A. Drozd in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California prior to returning to Earthjustice. While clerking, Candice founded Youth on Root, an environmental justice nonprofit program empowering California youth.

The Latest from Candice Youngblood

September 25, 2024

In the News: Los Angeles Times

Judge halts construction of massive warehouse project after scores of homes demolished

“A testament to the fact that this document reflects cutting corners at the expense of the community and in the interest of industry.”
September 24, 2024

In the News: The Sun

Construction of Bloomington Business Park warehouse project stopped – at least for now – by judge

“The court’s decision is crystal clear: San Bernardino County wronged the Bloomington community in the approval of this project. The county and the developer will need to fix the serious defects that underpinned the decision to cram more warehouses so close to schools and residences. Bloomington has consistently been targeted by polluting, industrial projects, and this decision recognizes the community’s struggle for their health.”
September 24, 2024

In the News: KCVR 91.9 NPR

Judge halts controversial warehouse project in Bloomington, orders new environmental study

“When communities weigh in, we have a better analysis, so really, the county should ensure that folks have a meaningful opportunity to weigh in.”
July 30, 2024

In the News: NBC Los Angeles

117 Bloomington homes to be demolished to make way for development

“When San Bernardino County approved the Bloomington business park specific plan, its environmental review was missing critical information on the environmental impacts of the project. And the county also failed to meaningfully engage the Bloomington community throughout its process. The remedy in these cases isn't stopping the project but doing a more serious review of the project's environmental consequences before approving the project. For the civil rights complaint, it isn't going to stop a particular project, but it is going to require if those agencies find that San Bernardino County is violating the Civil Rights Act.”