Elizabeth Fisher

Senior Attorney California Office


Media Inquiries

Miranda Fox
Public Affairs and Communications Strategist

Bar Admissions

CA, NC, MS (inactive)

Elizabeth Fisher is a senior attorney in the California Regional Office.

Elizabeth is a beach lover who brings tri-coastal environmental law experience to Earthjustice — from fighting to preserve the right of North Carolinians to access the State’s dry-sand beaches, to protecting Mississippi’s unique estuarine bayous from stormwater pollution, to advocating for adequate water flows for Steelhead migration to and from the Pacific Ocean. She began her environmental law career as a student-attorney with the Tulane Environmental Law Clinic and acquired a diverse set of professional experiences with state and federal governments and judiciaries, a private public-interest firm, and non-profit organizations. Prior to Earthjustice, Elizabeth’s practice focused on oil and gas litigation with Santa Barbara’s Environmental Defense Center. Elizabeth loves to travel the country, but she is excited to be in the Bay Area, where she was born and has extensive family, and continue exploring the awe-inspiring landscapes of California. She is ecstatic to be a part of the Earthjustice team.

The Latest from Elizabeth Fisher

Children play at Arvin's “Garden in the Sun” playground. There are several oil wells near the park.
December 19, 2024

California’s Roadmap to Protect Communities and Public Health from Oil and Gas Drilling

A public health expert panel report gives Californians a critical new tool in the years-long fight for setbacks from oil and gas drilling.