Media Inquiries
Zahra Ahmad
Public Affairs and Communication Strategist
Bar Admissions
D.C., CO (inactive), NM (inactive)
he / him
Based in Washington, D.C., Geoff Fettus leads Earthjustice’s Toxic Exposure & Health Program, which works to protect the health of communities by ensuring homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools are free of hazardous chemicals and everyone has access to safe drinking water and food.
With more than two decades of environmental litigation and advocacy experience, Geoff’s work has led to significant improvements in public health protections, particularly for vulnerable communities, through the enforcement of bedrock environmental laws and advancement of evidence-based policy. Throughout his career, Geoffrey’s work has been informed and shaped by close coordination with grassroots partners, tribes, states, organizers, and coalitions.
Geoff has substantive expertise in the National Environmental Policy Act, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, the Atomic Energy Act, and the Resource Conservation Recovery Act. He has provided testimony dozens of times before House and Senate committees, federal agencies, state agencies, and Presidential Commissions.
Prior to joining Earthjustice, Geoffrey served as the lead attorney on nuclear waste, safety, security, and uranium mining at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Among many cases over two decades, Geoff was lead counsel in overturning the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s “Waste Confidence” rule, under which the agency attempted to eliminate the consideration of environmental impacts of spent nuclear fuel in the licensing of nuclear reactors. Geoff was also lead counsel for NRDC and other environmental petitioners in the successful challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency’s radiation protection standards for the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Geoff also previously served at the New Mexico Environmental Law Center and in the Office of New Mexico Attorney General Tom Udall as Assistant Attorney General in the Environmental Enforcement Division.
Geoffrey is a graduate of Haverford College and received a law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School.