Moneen Nasmith

Senior Attorney


Media Inquiries

Alexandria Trimble
Media Relations and Communications Strategist

Bar Admissions



she / her

Moneen Nasmith is a senior attorney for national climate issues based in New York. Moneen focuses on federal permitting and regulation of fossil fuel transportation and export infrastructure.

Moneen represents community and environmental groups in proceedings involving gas pipelines, storage facilities, and liquefied natural gas export terminals before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy, and in court. She has experience leading litigation and rulemaking efforts under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act and representing environmental and tribal clients in state and federal proceedings and other advocacy opposing fossil fuel infrastructure projects under the Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Natural Gas Act. Moneen also spent many years working on climate-related litigation and advocacy in New York State and the Northeast region.

Prior to joining Earthjustice in 2012, Moneen worked for several years in the Environment and Litigation departments of a law firm in Washington, D.C. She also was a Fellow for the Rainforest Foundation and for the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, while obtaining a Masters in Environment Policy at Columbia University. Moneen received her B.A. in Political Science from McGill University and her law degree from Georgetown University Law Center.

The Latest from Moneen Nasmith

February 19, 2025

In the News: Inside Climate News

Louisiana Gas Export Terminal Gets Conditional Authorization

“It’s very problematic insofar as we are imposing the costs of this industry in such a concentrated and acute way on such a small part of the country.”
January 2, 2024

In the News: E&E News

Energy cases to watch in 2024

“What we really want FERC to be doing is talking about these emissions in a way that truly indicates that they understand how bad a project may be for the climate.”
August 24, 2021

In the News: E&E News

Line 3 is about to come online. What will Biden do?

“Enbridge’s activities are causing serious harm to wetlands, waterways, and indigenous cultural resources every day they continue.”
June 24, 2021

In the News: Gizmodo

Joe Biden’s Justice Department Defends Line 3 Pipeline

“We were hoping that if the Biden team is going to be real about their commitments that they’ve made in the executive orders that they have issued since coming into office on climate, on tribal issues, on environmental justice, that, at a minimum, they weren’t going to come out with a full-throated, doubling-down defense of the Trump administration’s previous decision. Unfortunately, that’s what we saw last night in their filing.”
June 7, 2021

In the News: The New York Times

Pipeline Protest Tests Biden’s Pledges on Climate and Native American Lands

“Particularly from a climate standpoint, the case for a brand-new, massive tar-sands pipeline is extremely thin and frankly nonexistent. Now is the time to do better by tribes, to take climate change seriously, to take environmental considerations seriously.”
June 4, 2021

In the News: Minnesota Public Radio

As Line 3 construction rolls on, river crossings draw pipeline resisters

“You can end up having the mud that is used to drill the tunnel blow back and seep out into the groundwater, and into the water table along where you're drilling your tunnel, in a way that causes tremendous amounts of damage.”
April 22, 2021

In the News: The American Prospect

Will Biden Cancel Minnesota’s Line 3 Oil Pipeline?

“Enbridge likes to tout its safety record, but we have no way of really predicting when these spills will happen. The kinds of waterways and resources that this pipeline is crossing are just so important to preserve. It really is such a bad idea and such a terribly shortsighted decision to choose a few jobs for out-of-staters and profits for a corporate entity over the health and preservation of cultural resources that the tribes rely on.”
March 25, 2021

In the News: Vox

The Indigenous-led fight to stop the Line 3 oil pipeline expansion in Minnesota, explained

“There are very important concerns that have not been appropriately addressed by the state or the federal government — climate, issues concerning tribes and tribal citizens’ well-being, and water quality.”
February 3, 2021

In the News: Between the Lines

Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline: Target of Renewed International Opposition

An interview