Ranjani Prabhakar

Legislative Director, Healthy Communities Policy and Legislation Team


Media Inquiries

Geoffrey Nolan
Public Affairs and Communications Officer

On Social Media




She / Her

Ranjani Prabhakar is the Legislative Director for Healthy Communities in the Policy & Legislation (PAL) department at Earthjustice, where she leads a team of advocates dedicated to defending and improving federal safeguards for clean air, clean water, and against toxics exposure. Previously, Ranjani served as the Senior Legislative Representative in the PAL department, focused on sustainable food and farming issues, including leading the Earthjustice policy platform on the 2023 Farm Bill and developing legislative and partnership strategies to support a just, equitable, and climate-focused agriculture system.

Prior to joining Earthjustice, Ranjani served on the mayor’s policy team for Mayors Rahm Emanuel and Lori Lightfoot for the City of Chicago, where she worked on policy initiatives and programs in the clean energy and mobility spaces. At the Mayor’s Office, Ranjani launched the City’s first community solar initiative, renewable energy challenge program, and micro-mobility pilot program. She was an adjunct professor at Northwestern University, where she taught a practicum on climate problem-solving in the realm of public service.

As a city planner, Ranjani has spent a number of years working in transportation, economic development, and housing justice, and has focused on building data-driven tools to address sustainable solutions in the built environment. She received her Masters in City Planning and Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and her Bachelors in History and Political Science from Emory University. As an artist, Ranjani leads the D.C.-based production company Flame Lily Media, which uplifts the power of artistic and musical expression to narrate stories of our ecological crisis.

The Latest from Ranjani Prabhakar

A farm near Clarinda in southwest Iowa.
May 22, 2024

House Farm Bill Squanders Environmental Opportunities

With provisions to rollback climate-smart agriculture provisions, weaken environmental laws, and offer handouts to polluting industries, the House Farm Bill is the culmination of a toxic partisan process.
Iowa Climate Farming
September 28, 2023

Debunking Myths: The Real Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Farmers

Senator Stabenow isn’t budging on protecting IRA funding for climate & agriculture programs; and neither are we.
August 17, 2022

Inflation Reduction Act Shows Congress — At Last — Understands Agriculture’s Contribution To Climate Change And The Opportunities To Reduce It

This groundbreaking law provides approximately $20 billion over four years to support agricultural practices that will reduce net greenhouse gas emissions or increase carbon sequestration.

Ernestina and Bishan Singh's family, photographed in 1932.
May 28, 2021

How Asian American Farmers Shaped Our Cultural Food Landscape

Punjabi-Mexican farmers revolutionized agriculture in California. We don't talk about their contributions enough.