Steve Mashuda

Managing Attorney Oceans Program


Media Inquiries

Julie Hauserman
Public Affairs and Communications Strategist
(850) 273-2898

Bar Admissions


Steve Mashuda, the managing attorney of the Oceans program, works in the Northwest office in Seattle.

Mashuda joined Earthjustice’s Northern Rockies office in Bozeman, Montana, as an associate attorney in 1998, where he specialized in Clean Water Act, forestry and Endangered Species Act litigation. In 2000, he joined Earthjustice’s Northwest regional office in Seattle, Washington, where he focused on Columbia-Snake River salmon litigation for the Save Our Wild Salmon coalition.

Mashuda received his J.D. from Vermont Law School in 1997. He also holds a Master of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School and a B.A. in History/Sociology from the University of Dayton.

The Latest from Steve Mashuda

February 27, 2025

In the News: WSUF

Restrictions on ship speeds removed in endangered Rice’s whales’ Gulf habitat

“We're at a point with Rice's whales where we need to be doing everything possible within our power to save this species. Slowing vessels down just as they're transiting this narrow band of Rice's Whale habitat in the Gulf of Mexico is a thing that can be done immediately. It can be done by everybody and it can be very effective in avoiding collisions.”
February 26, 2025

In the News: Tampa Bay Times

Trump administration rolls back protections for rare whales off Florida coast

"If you're concerned about whales being harmed by offshore energy, I've got a whale in the Gulf of Mexico I'd like you to meet. The Deepwater Horizon spill killed close to a quarter of the population alone. The Gulf doesn't belong to the oil industry, the Gulf belongs to all of us. The oil industry is operating there in public waters, with public resources — and mitigating their activities to avoid causing the extinction of a whale species is, in my mind, not a lot to ask."
The head of a Rice's Whale above water.
January 4, 2024

Gulf Whale: Species in the Spotlight

The federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has added the critically endangered Gulf of Mexico Rice’s whale to a de facto extinction watchlist. But we still need to do more to protect the species.
A Gulf of Mexico whale.
April 10, 2023

In 2021, Scientists Identified a New Whale Species in the Gulf of Mexico

Here’s how Earthjustice is working to protect marine creatures and biodiversity.

A tension-leg oil production platform burns off unrecoverable gas and leaves a plume of smoke in the Gulf of Mexico.
September 13, 2022

'A' is for Accountability

Now is the time to stop giving away coastal waters in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska to the fossil fuel industry

May 29, 2021

In the News: Eyewitness News

Op-Ed: The Bahamas government can and should put a stop to offshore drilling

An opinion piece
An orca breaches off the coast of Washington. The southern resident orca population in Washington's Salish Sea has hit a 34-year low as Chinook salmon, the whales' primary food source, have grown scarcer.
June 18, 2018

Tragic Orca Deaths Underscore Urgent Need to Restore Salmon Runs

Deaths among Puget Sound orcas, which just hit their lowest population count in 34 years, remind us of the urgent need to protect and restore salmon runs in the Columbia-Snake River system.