Federal Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale upheld a decision to prohibit Idaho’s authorization of recreational wolf trapping and snaring in grizzly bear habitat during the grizzly bear non-denning season.
Una de las órdenes ejecutivas de Trump busca empoderar a un comité de personas designadas por el mandatario, quienes podrían decidir el destino de una especie en peligro de extinción.
President Trump is already trying to undermine the ESA by invoking a rarely used provision that empowers a committee to decide the fate of endangered species.
Grizzly bears are facing growing threats to their survival in the Northern Rockies. The government just took a step in the right direction by rejecting state appeals to remove their protections.
H.R. 764, the “Trust the Science Act,” undermines the integrity of the Endangered Species Act by forcing the reinstatement of the Trump administration’s scientifically indefensible rule delisting the gray wolf.
A summary judgment ruling in Idaho District Court will prevent the state of Idaho from authorizing wolf trapping and snaring in grizzly bear habitat during non-denning periods.