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The downtown Los Angeles skyline bathed in smog. (Daniel Stein / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory June 7, 2024

Southern California Passes Landmark Rule to Electrify Water Heaters & Boilers

Southern California is set to replace over a million pieces of gas-powered equipment with zero-emissions technology and cut smog-harming NOx pollution by 5.6 tons per day

feature October 11, 2024

Specific Types of Hydrogen Hub Projects That Could Impact Your Community

Each Hydrogen Hub will include a wide range of projects. Potential harms and benefits from specific projects will vary significantly.

The downtown Los Angeles skyline bathed in smog. (Daniel Stein / Getty Images)
From the Experts May 7, 2024

Southern California Can Boil Water Without Boiling the Planet

Efficient, modern, and clean. Heat pumps are heading for the industrial and commercial sectors in the nation’s manufacturing hub.

Earthjustice attorney Yasmine Agelidis speaks at a rally for electric school buses outside the Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters. The event was organized by the Los Angeles County Electric Truck and Bus Coalition. (Hannah Benet for Earthjustice)
Article November 6, 2024

There’s Still Hope on Climate

Earthjustice’s push for progress in the states and internationally means we can still make environmental progress.

Industrial boilers are in-house power plants that burn conventional fuels like coal, biomass, and oil to provide heat to a facility.
(Roy Luck / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release August 1, 2016

Standards for Toxic Air Pollution From Industrial Boilers and Incinerators Ruled Unlawfully Weak

The D.C Circuit Court of Appeals finds EPA failed to protect public health from toxic air pollution that includes mercury and lead

Press Release May 24, 2011

NYS Supreme Court Grants Preliminary Injunction, Blocks Sale of Dirty Outdoor Wood Boilers

Dirty wood boilers spew pollution for decades

Press Release May 18, 2011

State's Delay of Rules for Dirty Outdoor Wood Boilers Challenged by New York Groups

Continued sale of outdoor wood boilers endangers public health

Press Release October 10, 2013

Health and Environmental Groups Challenge EPA to Update Clean Air Standards for New Wood Boilers and Furnaces

Groups seek clean air solutions to protect health of communities and families from dangerous soot

Article February 23, 2011

Toxic Air Pollution from Industrial Boilers to Get EPA Scrutiny

The EPA, today issued its final standard to protect Americans from the toxic air pollution emitted by industrial facilities like chemical plants, refineries and paper mills

Press Release: Victory February 23, 2011

EPA Issues Final Standard to Protect Americans from Boilers' Toxic Air Pollution

Health protections will modestly reduce dangerous emissions

Smoke from a wood boiler. The devices emit high volumes of hazardous air pollutants and carcinogens.
(Photo courtesy of Michael Hoy)
case October 10, 2013

Cutting Harmful Emissions From Wood Boilers And Furnaces

Wood boilers and furnaces keep residences warm, but they also threaten residents’ health if their emissions aren’t controlled. Fortunately, EPA recognized the danger and set pollution limits … in 1988. Since then, the agency has skipped three legally mandated junctures to update its standards and ensure health is still being protected. Meanwhile, the sale of…

Press Release December 9, 2010

EPA's Request to Delay Toxic Air Standards for Boilers Puts Lives at Risk

Agency must abide by law and courts and issue health protections on schedule

Press Release February 23, 2012

Toxic Air Burden from Industrial Power Plants (Boilers) Revealed

National map provides locations of unregulated pollution sources

Under the Clean Air Act, EPA has an obligation to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for a number of common air pollutants including ground-level ozone.
(Louis Vest / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Press Release August 29, 2024

Advocates Notify EPA of Intent to Sue Over Federal Operating Permit for Valero Houston Refinery

Local groups ask the EPA to take over to require monitoring of emissions to protect public health.

Press Release May 16, 2011

EPA Delaying Air Standards For Boilers

6,500 lives would be lost from breathing in dangerous air

case October 26, 2006

Cleaning Up Industrial Boilers

More than 200,000 industrial boilers and incinerators pollute the air and endanger the public all over the country, emitting massive quantities of mercury, lead and many other toxic pollutants, yet most are essentially unregulated. Their toxic pollution is known to cause cancer, birth defects, neurological and developmental disorders, heart attacks, and death, among other documented…

A mother watches over her child during treatment for asthma. Emissions from industrial boilers sicken thousands across the country.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
case November 16, 2004

Forcing Regulation of Industrial Boilers

Emissions from industrial boilers across the country sicken thousands, yet the federal government has been woefully lax in regulating them under immense pressure from industry. Earthjustice waged a four-year battle in court to force compliance with the Clean Air Act, and EPA finally agreed to do its duty—but then produced dreadfully inadequate standards, so the…

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 5, 2024

Groups Submit Notice of Intent to Sue Suncor Over Repeated Clean Air Act Violations

Suncor has reported over 1,000 emissions exceedances or violations since 2019