Supreme Court Upholds Protective Limits on Methane Pollution

The oil and gas sector is the largest industrial source of methane emissions in the U.S.


Alexandria Trimble,

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protective limits on methane pollution from new and existing oil and gas sources. The standards remain in place while the U.S. Court of Appeals hears the challenge from opponents of the protections.

“We are grateful that the public will enjoy the air quality and climate benefits of these pollution standards while the courts consider this case,” said Alex Bomstein, Executive Director of Clean Air Council. “These standards are vital to cutting methane pollution, which is responsible for at least a quarter of the global heating that we are already experiencing.”

“EPA’s oil and gas methane standards are firmly rooted in science and the law,” said Alexandra Schluntz, Senior Associate Attorney at Earthjustice. “We look forward to briefing the D.C. Circuit court on the merits of the case, which is the more appropriate forum for the challenge than the Supreme Court’s shadow docket.”

Earthjustice represents GreenLatinos, Clean Air Council, Dakota Resource Council, and Fort Berthold Protectors of Water and Earth Rights (Ft. Berthold POWER), and filed a motion urging the Court to reject the emergency stay with Environmental Defense Fund, Center for Biological Diversity; Clean Air Task Force representing Earthworks; Environmental Law and Policy Center; Food & Water Watch; NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council); and Sierra Club. The groups will continue to defend the standards before the D.C. Circuit.

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