Strengthen Protections for Those Who Help Grow Our Food

Farmworkers picking cauliflower in Salinas, California in June 2014.

We live in one of the richest nations on earth, but nearly 3 million agricultural workers who cultivate and harvest our food lack the basic protections they need to keep themselves and their families safe from harmful pesticides.

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Planning for California’s Clean Energy Future

San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm in California

A recent ruling in the California Public Utilities Commission’s long-term planning proceeding represents a step toward creating an electricity grid driven by clean energy.

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California Offers Up Watered Down Drought Plan

An unlined waste pit with fracking fluid and other drilling wastewater in California's Central Valley.

Gov. Jerry Brown calls on Californians to take shorter showers, while giving Big Ag and the fossil fuel industry a free pass on conserving dwindling water supplies.

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Today is Cesar Chavez Day

Cesar Chavez visits a school named for him in his honor in 1974.

Today we are honoring Cesar Chavez, an American farmworker, civil rights activist and labor leader that co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) with Dolores Huerta.

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EPA Fails Farmworkers, Again

Farmworker using pesticides

As Farmworker Awareness Week draws to a close, the EPA has once again shuffled its papers and announced that it will do next to nothing to further protect farmworkers and their families from chlorpyrifos, a dangerous neurotoxic pesticide.

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