Coalition Seeks Ban on Flame Retardants

97% of U.S. residents are at a greater risk of harm from toxic flame retardants in their bodies.

Health, firefighter, consumer and science groups are calling on the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ban certain consumer products if they contain any organohalogen flame retardants—a class of chemicals that counts dioxins and the pesticide DDT among its ranks.

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Some Good, Clean Green News

A rural solar field.

The state’s lawmakers have taken a key step to increasing statewide access to clean energy by passing community solar legislation.

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11 Bee Facts That Will Have You Buzzing


Bees do more than just produce honey, which is why Earthjustice is in court fighting for the survival of the bees, the beekeeping industry—and our nation’s food supply.

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Groups Challenge Government’s Grisly Grizzly Bear Decision

A grizzly bear walks alone through a field in Grand Teton National Park.

Federal agencies recently approved the killing of four grizzly bears in connection with an elk hunt in western Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park. This is no way to manage grizzly bears or national parks, says Earthjustice attorney Tim Preso.

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Whales Blow Hole in Sonar Plan

Dolphins swim in advance of Virginia-class attack submarine PCU Minnesota.

A judge tells the Navy that it doesn’t need access to every square inch of the ocean to conduct training exercises. There is a better way to protect both our country and our wildlife.

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