Testifying to Stop the Salish Sea Pipeline

First Nations Swinomish members participate in a traditional ceremony before oral testimonies on the Kinder Morgan TransMountain Pipeline begin.

The proposed Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion threatens the way of life on the Salish Sea, and this First Nations testimony exemplifies why it should be stopped.

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A Word to States: Question Senator McConnell's Climate Advice

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks at a news conference to unveil domestic energy and jobs legislation in 2012.

The EPA's proposed Clean Power Plan is a turning point for our nation in tackling climate change, yet Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has been advising states to forgo developing their own implementation plans.

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Shell’s Battle for Seattle

The Polar Pioneer is one of Shell Oil's drill rigs that may be coming to Seattle.

Conservation groups are challenging the Port of Seattle’s decision to make the city a home base for Shell’s Arctic drilling fleet without first telling the public or evaluating the environmental risks.

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New York State’s Imperiled Six

The Allegheny River in New York where the Hellbender Salamander once thrived.

Earthjustice has submitted comments urging the NY Department of Environmental Conservation to place these six species on New York's list of endangered and threatened species.

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Captive Orca Swims Closer to Freedom

Recently, the federal government added a captive orca called Lolita to the endangered species list

The federal government will finally put a captive orca named Lolita on the endangered species list, a move that may open doors to her eventual return home to the Puget Sound in Washington state.

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