Coal Ash Stories Come to Washington

The devastating TVA Kingston coal ash spill of 2008.

Federal coal ash protections are due in December, provided Congress doesn’t get in the way. Citizens arrived in Washington to tell their coal ash stories.

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UPDATE: Coral and Parrotfish – A Love Story


Since the May 14 release of the Earthjustice video titled Coral and Parrotfish – A Love Story, more than 90,000 people have learned about how parrotfish can be essential players in coral preservation.

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San Joaquin Valley Agency Blows Hot Air

An industrial plant in the San Joaquin Valley.

An unfortunate incident shows both how much advocates have achieved—and how much more work we have to do in the San Joaquin Valley.

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Carbon Nation: Power Plant Pollution is Sucking the West Dry

The Echo Bay Marina at Nevada's Lake Mead Recreational Area in July 2014.

Earthjustice is advocating that the agency honor the commitments that President Obama made in his Climate Action Plan by setting strong standards that cut emissions from power plants by at least 35 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

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Suit Filed to Stop Kansas Coal Plant

Wind turbines in a Kansas wheat field.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has given Sunflower Electric the green light to build a massive, dirty coal fired power plant.

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Building a Healthy Living Plan for a Growing Bay Area

Irene’s commute provides a snapshot of the economic and demographic changes affecting all the neighborhoods around the Bay Area. Can public transportation keep pace with residents’ needs? Will people continue to find affordable housing near their workplaces? How will these changes shape the identities of our neighborhoods?

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Listen To The Bees

Terry Oxford, with her bees at a rooftop apiary in San Francisco's Jackson Square.

I’m not an academic, not a scientist, nor a policy maker. I’m just a mom and a beekeeper who sees bee’s disappearing; and I’m terribly worried.

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