How a Biology Geek became an Ocean Lawyer

As a kid, the ocean gave me a sense of awe and belonging. I loved the other-worldly creatures of the sea and all the unexpected ways they interact with one another. I still love to be outside, in the water, exploring and observing the natural world. So why, in the name of all that is good and sensible, did I become a lawyer?

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Coral and Parrotfish: The Fight for Recovery

Earthjustice sued the National Marine Fisheries service to better protect coral, and won. The 2013 decision will help protect parrotfish and coral, but only if the National Marine Fisheries Service uses the new data to improve management. The agency must do more to restore Caribbean reefs.

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Earthquake Roulette

A new crack in a foundation in proximity to Inglewood Oil Field, CA

Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma aren’t historically known for earthquakes, but that’s all changing thanks to hydraulic fracking.

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Are the Feds Studying River Herring to Death?

Atlantic Trawler

The industrial Atlantic herring and mackerel fisheries continue to kill river herring by the millions as “incidental catch” with little oversight and no meaningful accountability.

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