Love and the Law Come to the Lone Wolf

OR-10, a gray wolf.

California’s famous lone gray wolf – the first to set foot in the Golden State since his forebears were slaughtered to extinction nearly 100 years ago – has found love just across the border in Oregon, where biologists yesterday said they photographed his two pups peeking from a log.

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Victory: d-Con To Be Killed Off

d-CON products.

The rodent killer d-CON—which also kills pets and poisons children—will cease being made by year’s end under an agreement reached with the EPA.

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New Mexico's New Monument

The Organ Mountains range from 4,600 to just over 9,000 feet, and are so named because of the steep, needle-like spires that resemble the pipes of an organ.

President Obama designated half-a-million acres of Chihuahuan desert ecosystem as the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.

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New Name, Same Game

The men behind the poisoning of West Virginia’s drinking water begin anew.

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Courts Demand Clean Air for Americans

Supreme Court columns reach up toward a blue sky.

Over the last few weeks, the nation’s federal courts—including the Supreme Court—have blessed Americans with four major clean air victories.

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Victory for Canyonlands

Crescent Arch near Salt Creek in Canyonlands National Park.

The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a decision that prevents the state of Utah and San Juan County from turning a creek in Canyonlands National Park into a highway for off-roaders.

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