Court Demands More Smog Protection from EPA

Smog covers the city of Los Angeles, CA.

For the second time this week, Earthjustice attorneys are celebrating a major clean air victory – this latest one dealing with our nation’s smog crisis.

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Goldman Prizewinner Helen Slottje: The Secret Weapon In the Fight Against Fracking

Helen Holden Slottje, a winner of the 2014 Goldman Environmental Prize.

In 2010, Helen Holden Slottje, a lawyer in upstate New York pioneered a legal strategy to keep fracking out of communities using local zoning laws. Four years later, her hard work and bravery was rewarded with the Goldman Environmental Prize, sometimes referred to as the “Green Nobel.” Read about Helen’s work, and listen to an interview where she discusses how and why she became involved in the fracking fight.

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Why “Fish Vs. Farmers” Is a False Dichotomy

Fisherman Jose Chi holds up a salmon, caught during the spring 2014 run, at Fort Bragg, CA.

California water management is not about protecting animals over people. It’s about coddling powerful special interests at the expense of average citizens, Delta farmers, commercial and sport fisherfolk—and a healthy Delta ecosystem.

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