Saving Coral Reefs from Death by Fossil Fuels

A sea turtle swims over bleached coral on Heron Island in the Great Barrier Reef.

Earthjustice staff urge the World Heritage Committee to put pressure on big polluters to stop their single-minded pursuit of dirty fossil fuels, in order to protect humanity’s most precious places.

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A Swim in the Right Direction for Snake River Salmon

Lower Granite Dam

Increasing the flow of water over Columbia-Snake River dams will provide salmon with a measure of protection until officials decide whether to remove four dams on the lower Snake River completely.

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Move Aside Trump, California’s Future Is Electric

While President Trump tries to roll back America’s efforts to fight climate change, California charts its own path by investing $1 billion to electrify the state’s ports, warehouses, buses and cars.

While President Trump tries to roll back America’s efforts to fight climate change, California charts its own path by investing $1 billion to electrify the state’s ports, warehouses, buses and cars.

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Executive Order Takes Aim at Climate Safeguards

In a one-two punch to climate, President Trump’s new executive order ends the Interior Department’s moratorium on coal mining and initiates a repeal of the Clean Power Plan.

In a potentially devastating blow to the Earth’s climate, President Trump’s new executive order ends the Interior Department’s moratorium on coal mining on public land and begins a repeal of the landmark Clean Power Plan.

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