New House Bill Blames Historic California Drought on Endangered Fish

An aqueduct carrying water from the northern California Bay Delta through the state's arid Central Valley.

A bill being considered in the House of Representatives places blame for the lack of water in California on protections for salmon and other imperiled species, such as the delta smelt. The reality is that an historic drought—not environmental protections—is causing water shortages in the West.

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Battle for the Wild: Confronting Idaho’s Controversial Wolf Management Practices

A member of the Golden pack in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness.

Isaac and Bjornen Babcock spent their year-long honeymoon in the central Idaho wilderness, documenting what it takes for wolf packs to survive and thrive. However, the greatest threat to wolves is not the natural challenges posed by long winters or food scarcity, but rather a controversial and secretive state-sponsored killing program.

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