The Latest by Earthjustice

Because the earth needs a good lawyer

We live in a country of strong environmental laws — and Earthjustice holds those who break our nation’s laws accountable for their actions.

Solar panels and wind turbines in a field.
August 16, 2022

Fighting for a Fossil-Free Future

When we win battles together in court, we have the potential to create lasting systemic change.

Air pollution billows out from a coal-fired power plant's smokestacks.
July 6, 2022

What Does West Virginia v. EPA Mean for Climate Action?

The EPA still has authority to reduce climate pollution from power plants, even after the Supreme Court’s decision. Here’s what the Biden administration should do next.

Oil wells in Kern County, located in California's southern Central Valley.
June 15, 2022

Now Is Biden’s Chance to Address the Source of Nearly 1/4 of All U.S. Carbon Emissions

President Biden can use his legal authority to transition the U.S. away from oil, gas, and coal by aligning the federal leasing program with his climate and environmental justice commitments

This photo provided by the executive director of Equity Legal Services in spring 2022 shows the pervasive flooding in Centreville. Equity Legal Services is one of several organizations representing residents in a legal challenge to address the sanitation
June 2, 2022

One Year Later and Still Waiting for Change

Legal organizations demand action on Illinois sewage crisis

The Santa Rita Mountains in Arizona are the proposed site of a copper mine.
May 11, 2022

It’s Time to Update our Mining Laws for a Clean Energy Future

Demand for critical minerals is rising. We must ensure we can meet it in a secure and sustainable way.

April 19, 2022

Creando Oportunidades para Luchar por la Vida en la Tierra

Para detener la crisis de biodiversidad, de la cual depende la vida silvestre, debemos proteger las tierras y las aguas públicas

Three wind turbines stand in Bushland, Texas, with the sun setting behind them.
April 5, 2022

Ukraine War Is Forcing a Decision About the Future of Energy. We Can’t Afford to Think Short-Term.

The United States has a real opportunity to commit to an energy transition that avoids the worst effects of the climate crisis.

March 25, 2022

Giving the Earth’s Species a Fighting Chance

To stop the biodiversity crisis, we must protect public lands and waters that wildlife depend on.

Hurricane Ida toppled these power lines near a petroleum refinery outside LaPlace, Louisiana. Ida's eastern wall went right over LaPlace, inflicting heavy damage on the area.
September 2, 2021

Cómo Ayudar a Las Personas Afectadas por el Huracán Ida

Nuestras comunidades necesitan ayuda urgentemente. Entre tanto, debemos detener la quema y extracción de combustibles fósiles.

Hurricane Ida toppled these power lines near a petroleum refinery outside LaPlace, Louisiana. Ida's eastern wall went right over LaPlace, inflicting heavy damage on the area.
September 2, 2021

How You Can Help People Hit By Hurricane Ida

Communities urgently need assistance now — and in the long run, we must stop the burning and extraction of fossil fuels.