National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, and Earthjustice call for improvements on Colorado’s regional haze plan to better protect air quality and public health
Proposal by Sierra Club and National Parks Conservation Association will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, improving public health and visibility at national parks
The Consent Decree entered in this matter requires that, by September 9, 2017,
Defendant Scott Pruitt, Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”)
sign a notice of final rulemaking pursuant to the Clean Air Act’s (“CAA”) regional haze
program, 42 U.S.C. § 7491, to meet the “best available retrofit technology” (“BART”)
requirement for electric generating units (“EGUs”) in Texas. Consent Decree ¶ 4.a.i and ii. EPA
may meet this obligation by: (1) promulgating a federal implementation plan (“FIP”); (2)
approving a state implementation plan (“SIP”); or (3) promulgating a partial FIP and approving a
partial SIP that together meet the relevant requirements. Id.
Watch Earthjustice set the record straight during upcoming oral arguments about the Navajo Generating Station’s dirty emissions and its outsized impact on our national treasures, including the Grand Canyon.
Desde las Great Smoky Mountains hasta el Parque Nacional de Joshua Tree, la neblina contaminada es una de las amenazas más generalizadas y apremiantes que acechan a nuestros parques y a los que quieren disfrutarlos.