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View from the Newfound Gap overlook over the vast wilderness of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the border of North Carolina and Tennessee. (ehrlif / Getty Images)
Article: Victory July 15, 2024

New Victory Will Bring Clearer Views and Cleaner Air to National Parks

The government is acting on plans to reduce haze pollution from burning fossil fuels near national parks in 32 states.

Split view of clear and hazy days in Shenandoah National Park. (National Park Service)
Press Release: Victory July 12, 2024

U.S. District Court Finalizes Haze Pollution Consent Decree to Speed Up Protections for Public Lands

Victory will bring clearer views and cleaner air to national parks

In the News: E&E News April 1, 2024

Deal forces EPA to act on 33 state haze cleanup plans

Charles McPhedran, Attorney, Clean Energy Program: “This moves EPA forward.”

Split view of clear and hazy days in Shenandoah National Park. (National Park Service)
Press Release March 29, 2024

Proposed Haze Pollution Consent Decree Sets Schedule to Improve Visibility in National Parks and Wilderness Areas

Deadlines set for EPA to take action on 33 states’ plans to reduce haze pollution

Press Release November 18, 2021

Colorado Could Lead Nation in Fighting Air Pollution, But Isn’t

National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, and Earthjustice call for improvements on Colorado’s regional haze plan to better protect air quality and public health

Press Release: Victory November 20, 2020

Regional Haze Plan Calls for Earlier Retirement for Colorado Coal-Fired Power Plants

Proposal by Sierra Club and National Parks Conservation Association will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, improving public health and visibility at national parks

Split view of clear and hazy days in Shenandoah National Park.
(National Park Service)
Press Release: Victory August 23, 2019

Smog Standard Too Weak To Protect Forests, Court Rules

Court rejects polluters’ claims that standards are too protective

document August 18, 2017

Motion to Delay Haze Rule Implementation in Texas

The Consent Decree entered in this matter requires that, by September 9, 2017,
Defendant Scott Pruitt, Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”)
sign a notice of final rulemaking pursuant to the Clean Air Act’s (“CAA”) regional haze
program, 42 U.S.C. § 7491, to meet the “best available retrofit technology” (“BART”)
requirement for electric generating units (“EGUs”) in Texas. Consent Decree ¶ 4.a.i and ii. EPA
may meet this obligation by: (1) promulgating a federal implementation plan (“FIP”); (2)
approving a state implementation plan (“SIP”); or (3) promulgating a partial FIP and approving a
partial SIP that together meet the relevant requirements. Id.

A hazy view at the South Rim overlook of Big Bend National Park in Texas. Haze pollution is one of the biggest threats facing our parks and those who want to enjoy them.
(David Fulmer / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release August 18, 2017

Earthjustice Calls Out Trump Administration On Attempt to Delay Clean Air for National Parks

EPA seeks to stall commonsense air pollution standards on Texas power plant emissions

Two identical photos of Mount Trumbull in Grand Canyon National Park demonstrating the change in air quality due to regional haze pollution.
(Colorado State/IMPROVE)
Article October 25, 2016

Clearing the Air in Our National Parks

Watch Earthjustice set the record straight during upcoming oral arguments about the Navajo Generating Station’s dirty emissions and its outsized impact on our national treasures, including the Grand Canyon.

Article July 28, 2016

Nuestros Parques Nacionales Necesitan un Respiro de Aire Puro

Desde las Great Smoky Mountains hasta el Parque Nacional de Joshua Tree, la neblina contaminada es una de las amenazas más generalizadas y apremiantes que acechan a nuestros parques y a los que quieren disfrutarlos.

A hazy view at the South Rim overlook of Big Bend National Park in Texas. Haze pollution is one of the biggest threats facing our parks and those who want to enjoy them.
(David Fulmer/CC BY 2.0)
Article July 28, 2016

Our National Parks Need a Breath of Fresh Air

Haze pollution is one of the biggest threats facing our parks and those who want to enjoy them.

A hazy view at the South Rim overlook of Big Ben National Park in Texas.
(Daveynin / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release May 19, 2016

Health, Environmental, Business Leaders To EPA: Improve National Parks’ Air Quality

Broad coalition to convene, speak out in support of proposed Regional Haze Rule revisions

Split view of clear and hazy days in Shenandoah National Park. (National Park Service)
Press Release April 26, 2016

EPA Proposes Clearer Air for National Parks

Advocates push for significant haze pollution clean-ups for iconic landscapes

document February 24, 2016

Arizona Haze – Opinion – Victory

Ninth Circuit Upholds EPA Arizona Haze Plan

Grand Canyon in the snow. (Karen Grigoryan / Shutterstock)
Press Release: Victory February 24, 2016

Ninth Circuit Upholds EPA’s Clean Air Safeguards in Arizona Regional Haze Plan

Court rules Agency’s actions complied with the Clean Air Act, maintains plan to clean air at national parks and wilderness areas

The W. A. Parish Power Plant in Thompsons, Texas. Power plants in the state have some of the highest sulfur dioxide emission rates in the country.
(Roy Luck / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release: Victory December 9, 2015

Earthjustice Statement On Texas Regional Haze Plan

Finalized EPA rule requires long-overdue emissions reductions at some of the worst-polluting power plants in the country

document July 14, 2015

Comments on Arizona Proposal for Cholla Power Plant

Comments on Cholla Power Plant bypassing strong pollution controls and threatening air quality