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Dams, like the Ice Harbor on the lower Snake River, may not be as green as they first seem. The Ice Harbor Dam and others have transformed the Columbia and lower Snake rivers, drastically altering natural river flows and posing lethal obstacles to salmon migration.
(Bonneville Power Photo)
Article December 16, 2014

Coming Clean: Hydropower’s Dirty (Energy) Secrets

Dams are often touted as being green, but a deeper looks uncovers some dirty truths about their environmental impact.

Ngöbe indigenous people are protesting a dam that will displace their homes.
(Earthjustice Photo)
Article April 4, 2014

Urgency Grows in Panama as Dam Building Continues

The indigenous people had no voice in losing their land to the Barro Blanco dam.

Press Release February 20, 2014

Groups Appeal to UN to Halt Imminent Forced Evictions of Indigenous Ngöbe Families

Appeal to the UN seeks to stop eviction of Panamanian community

Press Release February 20, 2014

Organizaciones hacen un llamamiento a las Naciones Unidas a fin de detener el inminente desalojo forzoso de familias indígenas Ngöbe

Acción urgente busca detener el desalojo de una comunidad indígena en Panamá

document February 19, 2014

Barro Blanco Dam Eviction Appeal

Article September 23, 2013

Dams, Mines Threaten Indigenous Rights

A longstanding goal of Earthjustice and the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) has been to sound alarms at the United Nations, in national courtrooms and in international fora such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights about environmental and human rights violations associated with mines and dams. Indigenous peoples are particularly vulnerable to the…

Weni Bagama and two of her children, whom the Barro Blanco dam will force from their land.  The sign says “No Barro Blanco” in the indigenous Ngäbe language. Bagama is a Ngäbe leader of the Movimiento 10 de Abril, a community-based movement defending the river from development projects.
(Abby Rubinson / Earthjustice)
case August 30, 2013

Challenging a Panamanian Dam Project

Supporting a lawsuit filed by the Environmental Advocacy Center, Panamá (CIAM), the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and Earthjustice argued that the Panamanian government violated international law by approving the Barro Blanco hydroelectric dam project without adequately consulting or obtaining the free, prior and informed consent of…

document August 30, 2013

Barro Blanco Dam Amicus Brief

Press Release August 30, 2013

Groups Support Challenge to Dam Project in Panama for Violating Indigenous Rights

Amicus brief highlights unlawful consultation process

Press Release June 18, 2013

UN Asked to Investigate Human Rights Violations Caused by Panama’s Barro Blanco Dam

Call to halt the dam’s construction threatening the rights of indigenous people