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Press Release February 25, 2014

Conservation Groups’ Statement on Colorado’s Oil & Gas Air Quality Rules

Groups applaud tough, groundbreaking rules, but caution that more work remains

The oil and gas industry is Colorado's largest source of volatile organic compounds.
(Photo courtesy of Ecoflight)
Article February 12, 2014

Colorado Tackles Rules Governing Oil, Gas

Colorado has emerged as a western ground zero in the fracking boom, with more than 50,000 active wells in the state and 3,000 wells permitted annually on average in recent years. The state is struggling to deal with this staggering growth as well as the changing nature of the industry as operations have moved into communities along the Front Range.

Press Release January 31, 2014

Groups Say Colorado Must Push Forward for Strong Clean Air Rule

Rulemaking commission should strengthen, not weaken, proposed oil & gas regulations

Press Release November 21, 2013

Environmentalists Push for Strong Protections for Clean Air

Rulemaking commission asked to adopt oil & gas regulations that address Colorado’s smog problem

La industria de gas y petróleo es la fuente más grande de compuestos orgánicos volátiles del Estado.
Press Release November 21, 2013

Ambientalistas Presionan Por Fuertes Protecciones Para Aire Puro

La comisión de reglamentación pidió la adopción de regulaciones para gas y petróleo, las cuales señalan el problema de smog de Colorado

Press Release November 18, 2013

Promising Start to Colorado Air Pollution Rules But Much Work Remains

Rulemaking process must result in strong protections for public health and Colorado communities

La contaminación debida al ozono desata ataques de asma y ha sido relacionada con el incremento de admisiones en hospitales y muertes prematuras.
(Ben & Whitney Carey)
Press Release November 18, 2013

Comienzo Prometedor Para Las Reglas De Contaminación Del Aire De Colorado, Pero Aún Queda Mucho Trabajo Por Hacer

El proceso de reglamentación debe dar como resultado fuertes protecciones para la salud pública y las comunidades de Colorado

Press Release: Victory December 14, 2011

Colorado Adopts New Fracking Disclosure Rule

Earthjustice instrumental in positive outcome

Press Release: Victory February 9, 2011

Oil and Gas Industry Drops Lawsuit Against Colorado Rules

Rules balance environmental protection with industry development

Flaring in gas wells in Rifle, CO.
(Photo courtesy of Ecoflight)
case June 5, 2009

Defending Strong Oil And Gas Safety Laws In Colorado

In 2008, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission overhauled the state permitting process for oil and gas development in Colorado. Under the new regulations, public health, environmental and wildlife concerns for the first time became a central part of the permitting process. Earthjustice represented the conservation community in the hotly-contested administrative proceedings, which lasted…

Press Release: Victory May 27, 2009

Colorado Citizens' Groups Go to Court to Defend Oil & Gas Rules

Industry refuses to accept new law protecting drinking water & wildlife