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Yurok guides paddle tourists along the Klamath River in traditional canoes hand crafted from Redwood trees. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Article June 3, 2024

Klamath River Dam Removal Is a Victory for Tribes

After a century of ecological collapse, steelhead and salmon in the Klamath River now have a fighting chance at a full recovery.

Press Release March 27, 2023

Yurok Tribe and Fishermen Sue to Protect Klamath Salmon

Federal agency cuts flows as the largest river restoration project begins

document March 22, 2023

Klamath River Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction

The Yurok Tribe, with the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA) and the Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR), filed for a preliminary injunction to prohibit the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation from delivering water for irrigation unless Reclamation can ensure it will be able to comply fully with its Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) obligations to threatened Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast (“SONCC”) Coho Salmon and endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (“Killer Whales”) that depend on Klamath River Chinook Salmon as prey.

document March 22, 2023

Klamath River Yurok Tribe Supplemental Complaint

The Yurok Tribe, with the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA) and the Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR), sued the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to ensure enough water will remain in the Klamath River to protect threatened coho salmon and endangered resident killer whales.

Ta-tes Boulby, a member of the Yurok Tribe, fishes at the mouth of the Klamath River in Northern California. July 7, 2018.
(Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
feature November 23, 2020

Reclaiming the Klamath

For the Yurok, the fight to protect the Klamath River and the Tribe’s way of life goes back centuries.

Ta-tes Boulby, a member of the Yurok Tribe, fishes at the mouth of the Klamath River in Northern California. July 7, 2018.
(Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release May 22, 2020

Federal Court Declines to Weigh in on Needed River Flows for Salmon

Sudden water cutoffs by Bureau of Reclamation further jeopardize struggling salmon

The Klamath River has a basic problem: too much water promised to too many people. Now salmon are dying, causing local fishermen and tribal nations to suffer.
(Linda Tanner / CC by 2.0)
Press Release May 18, 2020

Yurok Tribe and Earthjustice Statement on Bureau of Reclamation Shut Off of Needed Klamath River Flows

Temporary restraining order filed to restore essential water flows for Klamath River salmon

Members of the Yurok Tribe and Earthjustice gather outside a San Francisco courthouse in 2018.
(Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release March 30, 2020

Yurok Tribe and Commercial Fishing Families Secure More Water for Klamath River Salmon

Bureau of Reclamation develops new three-year operations plan

video October 3, 2019

Reclaiming the Klamath

For the Yurok, the fight to protect the Klamath River and the Tribe’s way of life goes back centuries. The Yurok Tribe turned to the courts for restitution and joined forces with Earthjustice and commercial fishing families to protect the Klamath’s salmon.

document May 1, 2018

Yurok Tribe et al v. BOR: Order Denying Motion for Relief from the Judgment

This federal district court order, issued on April 30 by Judge Orrick in the Northern District of California, denies Klamath water users' motion to modify a 2017 court order issued to protect threatened Klamath River salmon from deadly disease outbreaks.

Young salmon supporter and Yurok Tribe member Tseeyaba, and her father, outside the Burton Federal Building on the day of a hearing on Klamath River flows in San Francisco, April 10, 2018.
(Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory May 1, 2018

Federal Court Affirms Steps to Protect Klamath River Salmon

Court decides not to eliminate protections for salmon in its 2017 decision

Yurok Tribe members Tseeyaba Kinney, 2, and her father, Isaac, rally outside the Burton Federal Building in San Francisco on Apr. 10, 2018.
(Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Article May 1, 2018

Meet the People Whose Culture and Economic Stability Are Tied to Klamath River Salmon

To understand the importance of the latest court ruling, listen to those who depend on Klamath River salmon for their way of life.

document October 2, 2017

Klamath Takings Decision

Klamath Takings Decision

document October 2, 2017

Klamath Tribe's Amicus Brief

Amicus Brief

The mainstem of the Klamath River. The Klamath flows through Oregon and northern California.
(U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Press Release: Victory October 2, 2017

Judge Denies Irrigators Special Treatment, Millions in Drought Payments

Court denies Klamath agribusiness interests $30 million years after 2001 drought

document February 21, 2017

Trinity Water Intervention 9th Circuit of Appeals Decision

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit broadly upheld the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s ability to provide additional flow releases in California’s Trinity River to protect salmon.

The Klamath River has a basic problem: too much water promised to too many people. Now salmon are dying, causing local fishermen and tribal nations to suffer.
(Linda Tanner / CC by 2.0)
Article February 21, 2017

Fishermen Join Tribes, Conservation Groups, to Protect Klamath River Salmon

The Klamath River has a basic problem: too much water promised to too many people. Now salmon are dying, causing local fishermen and tribal nations to suffer.

Poor water management on the Klamath River has caused a swift decline in salmon stocks, threatening the Yurok people’s livelihood.
(Joe Fiorello / CC by 2.0)
Article February 21, 2017

‘We could not be idle while our fish were again under siege’

Poor water management on the Klamath River has caused a swift decline in salmon stocks, threatening the Yurok people’s livelihood.