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Article June 21, 2016

¿Cuántas intoxicaciones debe haber para que la EPA prohíba los pesticidas neurotóxicos?

La EPA debe establecer una prohibición total de los órganofosfatos. Punto. Y mientras tanto—a raíz de los nefastos efectos en la salud que causan estos pesticidas—la agencia debe tomar medidas preventivas como la instalación de zonas que actúen como barreras.

The EPA should ban neurotoxic pesticides now under review and protect against them in the meantime with buffer zones.
(Jason Lugo/iStock)
Article June 21, 2016

How Many Poisonings Before the EPA Bans Neurotoxic Pesticides?

The EPA should ban the pesticides now under review and protect against them in the meantime with buffer zones.

document May 29, 2014

Pesticide Drift Written Objections

document May 29, 2014

Pesticide Drift Petition for Review

EPA has failed to protect children from pesticides when they drift from treated fields into nearby yards, homes, schools, parks and daycare centers. (Rob Marmion / Shutterstock)
Press Release May 29, 2014

Groups Challenge EPA Failure to Protect Children from Pesticides

After five years, EPA takes no additional action to protect children from pesticide spray drift

More than half of the country's streams would be affected by a long-sought rule recently proposed by the EPA.
Article April 14, 2014

Spotlight: Threats to Waterways, Children, Species

Earthjustice litigation and policy work is targeting a number of looming or ongoing environmental threats.

Press Release April 2, 2014

EPA Fails Again to Protect Children from Pesticide Drift

After five years, EPA’s only response is that it will make no change to existing practices and plans

Article November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving: A Time to Consider Our Food Harvesters

Farmworkers are continually exposed to dangerous pesticides

document July 24, 2013

Kids Pesticide Mandamus Petition

Press Release July 24, 2013

Advocates Challenge EPA’s Continuing Failure to Protect Children and Families From Hazardous Pesticide Drift

Public interest groups urge immediate pesticide protections in areas where children live, learn and play

Article July 15, 2013

Farmworker Mother To EPA: We Deserve Protections

This is the second in a two part series on protections for farmworkers from pesticides. Read part one, Pesticides Taking Toll on Farmworkers, and the accompanying special feature, Pesticides: The Workplace Hazard The EPA Is Ignoring. Nobody told Reina Lemus de Zelaya that her job as a farmworker was hazardous not only to her…

Press Release April 10, 2013

Legislation Would Give Authority to EPA to Protect Americans from Chemicals

Reforms outdated law that leaves Americans vulnerable to toxic chemicals

Article April 10, 2013

Sen. Lautenberg Introduces Toxic Chemical Overhaul

Americans need a law that will keep them safe from toxic chemicals—before they are allowed to enter the market. And that’s why we should be thanking Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ). Today, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), joined by 27 other senators, introduced the “Safe Chemicals Act of 2013,” a landmark bill that seeks…

Article December 7, 2012

Friday Finds: Fido’s Chemical Body Burden

Your favorite four-legged companion may get a dose of toxic chemicals the next time you throw him/her a chew toy. That’s the conclusion of an as-yet unpublished study, which found that dogs that chew on plastic toys may be exposed to hormone-altering chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates. The new study, conducted at Texas…

document October 6, 2011

EPA Inerts Disclosure Letter

Press Release March 8, 2010

More Than 42,000 People and 51 Groups in 18 States Ask EPA to Protect Kids From Pesticides

Sign on to petition for long term protections, immediate no-spray buffer zones where kids live, learn, play

document February 24, 2010

Congressional Sign-on Letter to EPA Regarding Pesticide Drift

This letter, authored by Congressmen Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison, was sent to EPA in support of our petition seeking protections for children from pesticide drift.

Press Release October 14, 2009

Farm Workers and Allies Ask Gov’t to Protect Kids From Toxic Pesticide Drift

Petition to EPA includes immediate no-spray buffer zones around homes, schools, day care centers for most toxic pesticides