As we find ourselves in the grip of another catastrophe, it’s worth reflecting on how the nation and the oil industry responded to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Chris Eaton, Attorney, Oceans Program, Earthjustice: “It’s important to make sure that to the extent that there is oil and gas development still happening, that it’s done safely.”
Environmental groups sued the Trump administration to challenge rollbacks of the 2016 Well Control and Blowout Preventer Rule, a safety regulation meant to prevent another blowout like what happened during the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. The case filed in the Northern District of California challenges key rollbacks to the safety rule including: Weakening performance…
Earthjustice attorney Chris Eaton explains how the Trump administration ignored the recommendations of its own engineers when it rolled back safety regulations, according to a news investigation.
Ten environmental groups — Earthjustice, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Healthy Gulf, Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Friends of the Earth, North Carolina Coastal Federation, and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League — sued the Trump administration to challenge rollbacks of the 2016 Well Control and Blowout Preventer Rule, a safety regulation meant to prevent another blowout like what happened during the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.