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Press Release July 24, 2024

EPA Proposes Designating Vinyl Chloride as a High-Priority Chemical 40 Years After It Was Declared Cancerous

New report calls on EPA to conduct comprehensive chemical review

Senior Attorney, Dror Ladin, speaks during the lawsuit filing press conference on July 25, 2024.
Press Release July 26, 2024

Three Leading Grassroots Organizations of Transit Riders, Environmental Advocates, and Environmental Justice Community Groups Sue Governor Hochul and the State of New York on Congestion Pricing Block

Groups representing hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, allege that the Unilateral decision by Governor Hochul is detrimental to public health and violates New York’s climate law and the state constitution; Depriving the transportation agency/MTA from $15.6 billion for mass improvements

Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Corte Federal Revoca Oferta de Arrendamiento de Petróleo en Altamar que Amenazaba a las Belugas Frente a la Costa de Alaska

El fallo a favor de grupos ambientalistas resalta las preocupaciones sobre la supervivencia de las ballenas beluga

Press Release July 11, 2024

EPA Grants Petition to Regulate PFAS Found in Plastic Containers

The federal agency will start a rulemaking process to address toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in more than 100 million fluorinated plastic containers

The Cheswick Generating Station operated next door to homes in Springdale, Penn., for more than 50 years until it finally closed in 2022. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature July 19, 2024

We’re Still Cleaning Up the Trump Administration’s Environmental Messes

Earthjustice successfully blocked much damage, and we’ve seen progress toward repair under the Biden administration. But we will never recover some of what was lost.

EPA has failed to protect children from pesticides when they drift from treated fields into nearby yards, homes, schools, parks and daycare centers. (Rob Marmion / Shutterstock)
Press Release July 18, 2024

EPA Reaffirms Continued Use of Pesticide Linked to Learning Disabilities

Decision ignores established science and puts children and farmworkers at risk

The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. (Matt Roth for Earthjustice)
Press Release July 23, 2024

Earthjustice Praises Bill to Codify ‘Chevron Deference’

The Stop Corporate Capture Act would bring transparency, equity, and a reliance on agency expertise back to the rulemaking process

Almost everyone in the U.S. has traces of PFAS in their body because the chemicals have contaminated the air, soil, and water — including the drinking water for approximately 200 million people nationwide. (Cavan Images)
Press Release July 1, 2024

Community Advocates Seek to Defend EPA’s PFAS Drinking Water Standards in Court

Chemical Companies and Water Providers are challenging the EPA’s right to protect the public from PFAS in their drinking water

After years of inaction by the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed long-overdue limits on six PFAS in drinking water. (Getty Images)
feature April 19, 2024

Inside EPA’s Roadmap on Regulating PFAS Chemicals

Toxic “forever chemicals” remain laxly regulated.

feature April 9, 2024

What You Need To Know About Chlorpyrifos

The neurotoxic pesticide harms children and the environment. There are no safe uses for chlorpyrifos.

A large liquified natural gas transport ship sits docked in the Calcasieu River on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, near Cameron, Louisiana. (Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle via Getty Images)
Article June 27, 2024

What You Need to Know About Oil and Gas Exports

Stopping the oil and gas export boom is critical to meet U.S. climate goals.

In Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley, a cemetery stands in stark contrast to the chemical plants that surround it.
(Photo by Julie Dermansky)
feature January 23, 2024

How Big Oil is Using Toxic Chemicals as a Lifeline – and How We Can Stop It

Petrochemicals are an environmental and public health disaster. What you need to know.

Changemakers call for the EPA to hold utilities accountable for their coal ash pollution, on the day of an in-person public hearing held by the agency in Chicago on Jun. 28, 2023. (Jamie Kelter Davis for Earthjustice)
feature April 25, 2024

‘Do Your Job, EPA’: Stories From the Frontlines of Coal Ash

By law, before government regulations are adopted or changed, agencies must ask the public — you — to weigh in.

Press Release April 11, 2024

Health and Environmental Advocates Petition EPA to Regulate PFAS in Plastic Containers

The petition asks EPA to regulate PFAS created that leach from more than 100 million fluorinated plastic containers into household products and the environment

Protestors paddle next to the Mackinac Bridge at the Pipe Out Paddle Up Flotilla Against the Line 5 pipeline in Mackinaw City, Michigan. (Sarah Rice for Earthjustice)
Article July 11, 2024

The Great Lakes Are Under Threat

The Line 5 pipeline has already leaked over 1 million gallons of oil to date and threatens the Great Lakes. Now, the company behind it is proposing a dangerous reroute project.

Vast warehouses bump up against homes in Southern California. (David McNew / The New York Times)
From the Experts June 24, 2024

California Reins in Its Smoggy Warehouse Problem

A new approach to mega warehouse pollution is showing early success in the fight against diesel pollution. Everyone should be talking about Indirect Source Rules.

page July 11, 2024

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A ‘ua‘u (Hawaiian petrel) chick in its burrow. (Andre Raine / U.S. FWS)
Press Release June 10, 2024

Groups Seek Court Order to Protect Endangered Seabirds from Resort Lights

Grand Wailea must keep lights off to avoid killing and injuring Hawaiian petrels