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Senior Attorney, Dror Ladin, speaks during the lawsuit filing press conference on July 25, 2024.
Press Release July 26, 2024

Three Leading Grassroots Organizations of Transit Riders, Environmental Advocates, and Environmental Justice Community Groups Sue Governor Hochul and the State of New York on Congestion Pricing Block

Groups representing hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, allege that the Unilateral decision by Governor Hochul is detrimental to public health and violates New York’s climate law and the state constitution; Depriving the transportation agency/MTA from $15.6 billion for mass improvements

E-Commerce Warehouses by Potential Environmental Justice Area in NYC, 2022. (Alok Disa / Earthjustice)
Press Release July 18, 2024

As Prime Day Draws Record Profits and Extreme Truck Traffic, Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes and ElectrifyNY Coalition Call for Clean Deliveries

Pivotal bill provides advancements in public health and clean air, prevents corporations from clustering mega-warehouses in low-income communities of color, and advances New York’s climate mandates

Press Release July 5, 2024

New Jersey Lawmakers Propose to Cut Air Pollution from Warehouses and Ports

Bill would help clean New Jersey’s air at a time of exploding warehouse and port pollution

A forklift is used to move sheets of steel from a stack. (Thomas Barwick / Getty Images)
Press Release June 27, 2024

California Passes First Zero-Emissions Forklift Rule in the U.S.

New standard will lift a load of smog by shifting 89,000 forklifts to zero emissions, saving the lives of 544 Californians

Press Release June 21, 2024

Community Fights For Clean Air, Challenges Bloomington Warehouse In Court

Predominantly working class Latino community targeted with a disproportionate number of industrial projects

Press Release June 17, 2024

NYS Houses Make Some Progress on Transportation but the Legislature Leaves Much to be Desired As Session Comes to a Close

ElectrifyNY Coalition Statement: In the wake of congestion pricing stall by Governor Hochul, NY legislators desperately need to pick up slack to tackle pollution, protect communities, and safeguard workers

The downtown Los Angeles skyline bathed in smog. (Daniel Stein / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory June 7, 2024

Southern California Passes Landmark Rule to Electrify Water Heaters & Boilers

Southern California is set to replace over a million pieces of gas-powered equipment with zero-emissions technology and cut smog-harming NOx pollution by 5.6 tons per day

“Esta carta de la vicealcaldesa Torres-Springer es un momento decisivo para las comunidades de justicia ambiental en los cinco condados”, dijo la concejal Alexa Avilés.(Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit)
Press Release May 22, 2024

La Ciudad de Nueva York se Compromete a Regular los Almacenes de Última Milla

La ciudad también se ha comprometido a establecer una regla de fuente indirecta para regular las emisiones causadas por los almacenes de última milla

Councilmember Avilés Speaks at Last-Mile Coalition press conference. (Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit)
Press Release: Victory May 22, 2024

City of New York Commits to Regulating Last-Mile Warehouses Amid Calls to Address Growing Industry

The City has also committed to establishing an indirect source rule to regulate the emissions caused by last-mile warehouses, when finalized NYC will be the first city to implement an ISR

Trucks haul shipping containers at the Port of Los Angeles, the nation's busiest port. Their emissions create diesel death zones along freight lines and freeways throughout the state. Trucks produce the pollution for 40% of California’s unhealthy smog problem.
(Getty Images)
Press Release April 24, 2024

Biden’s National Goal of a Zero-Emissions Freight Sector is a Momentous Step Towards an Electric Future

New national goal is announced with nearly $1 billion in grants from the Inflation Reduction Act for cities, states, and Tribes to electrify school buses, refuse trucks, and delivery trucks

Activists march in protest at the front gate to Southern California Gas Company's Ventura Compressor Station in Ventura, California. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images).
Press Release April 22, 2024

Utility Lobbying Thwarts Passage of SB 938 in Senate Energy Committee

Critical California legislation to keep utility lobbying and promotional advertising out of customers’ energy bills has been blocked

NW Natural was one of the fossil fuel companies protested against during a Portland Youth Climate Strike march in Portland, Oregon on May 20, 2022. (Nick Cunningham /
Press Release April 19, 2024

Climate and Justice Groups Urge Oregon Regulators to Reject Utility Rate Hike That Would Harm Customers and Thwart Climate Goals

NW Natural seeks to increase profits and expand its gas system at ratepayers’ expense

Press Release April 19, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: Final Budget SFY2025 Excludes NY HEAT Act

Assembly kills NY HEAT Act in final budget deal, the leading policy to address energy affordability and climate change

(Thomas Barwick / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory April 9, 2024

D.C. Circuit Upholds Reinstatement of California Clean Air Act Waiver in Ohio v. EPA

California leads the nation in securing emissions reductions in the transportation sector.

Trucks line up outside the Amazon ONT 2 and 5 facilities in San Bernardino.
(Image Courtesy of Anthony Victoria-Midence / CCAEJ)
Press Release March 29, 2024

EPA’s New Truck Standards Fail to Meet the Moment

To meet health and climate imperatives, we need to drive our freight system more aggressively toward zero emissions

Press Release March 19, 2024

New York State Senate Passes the NY HEAT Act

Pressure rises for NYS Assembly to support NY HEAT in final budget to save New Yorkers money and fight climate change

Press Release March 12, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: Assembly One-House Budget SFY2025 Omits NY HEAT Act

The NYS Assembly included new policy that codifies a 6% cap on energy bills for eligible low-income New Yorkers

Trucks haul shipping containers at the Port of Los Angeles, the nation's busiest port. Their emissions create diesel death zones along freight lines and freeways throughout the state. Trucks produce the pollution for 40% of California’s unhealthy smog problem.
(Getty Images)
Press Release March 12, 2024

Earthjustice Praises New Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy, Urges Caution on Hydrogen Inclusion

The new strategy will coordinate and increase investments in zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicle infrastructure across sectors to achieve a zero-emission freight network by 2040