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Laura Beth Resnick es propietaria y administradora de la granja Butterbee en White Hall, Maryland. Resnick recibió una subvención a través de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación que le habría reembolsado la mitad del costo de sus paneles solares, la cual le fue retirada posteriormente. (Alyssa Schukar para Earthjustice)]
Article March 12, 2025

Ella Confió en la Promesa del Gobierno De Ayudar a Los Agricultores. Hasta Que Intervino Trump.

La administración Trump está incumpliendo las promesas de financiación del gobierno federal, lo que ha provocado pérdidas de compensaciones a los trabajadores, congelamientos de contrataciones y una pausa en proyectos de construcción.

Press Release February 26, 2025

GOP-Controlled House Natural Resources Committee to Target Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammals Protection Act, and Vulnerable Species at Hearing Today

Hearing comes amid large-scale firings at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services

In the News: Politico February 24, 2025

A shrinking FWS gains more time to assess Arctic grayling for ESA

Emily Qiu, Attorney, Northern Rockies Office: “While we cannot speak specifically to the impact of staff cuts, we do appreciate that this deal should allow for a much needed review of the status of Arctic grayling, which we’re confident will show that the species needs protections.”

In the News: The Seattle Times March 4, 2025

What Trump’s order on cutting federal forests could mean for the Pacific Northwest

Kristen Boyles, Managing Attorney, Northwest Office: “Executive orders direct other agencies to take action, and they certainly set policy and tone. But they cannot and do not replace requirements of congressionally enacted laws.”

In the News: CNN March 3, 2025

Keep the lights on or mine Bitcoin? How crypto is starting to suck up clean energy

Mandy DeRoche, Deputy Managing Attorney, Clean Energy Program: “If you use all that cheap, clean hydro(power) for crypto mining, then humans and small businesses can’t use it and then they have to go somewhere else for that energy — and often it is fossil fuel-based.”

Un lobo gris corre sobre la nieve en Montana. (Ibrahim Suha Derbent / Getty Images)
Update January 31, 2025

El ‘Escuadrón de Dios’: Este Comité es Sólo el Comienzo de los Ataques de Trump contra las Especies en Peligro de Extinción

Una de las órdenes ejecutivas de Trump busca empoderar a un comité de personas designadas por el mandatario, quienes podrían decidir el destino de una especie en peligro de extinción.

In the News: The New York Times March 2, 2025

‘Full on Fight Club’: How Trump Is Crushing U.S. Climate Policy

Abigail Dillen, President of Earthjustice: “This is not the kind of stately tennis match of the usual switch-over in administrations. This is full on Fight Club.”

A gray wolf runs through snow in Montana. (Ibrahim Suha Derbent / Getty Images)
Update January 29, 2025

An ‘Extinction Committee’ Is Just the Beginning of Trump’s Attacks on Endangered Species

President Trump is already trying to undermine the ESA by invoking a rarely used provision that empowers a committee to decide the fate of endangered species.

Jude Addo-Chidie, a Ph.D. student in agronomy at Purdue University, takes a soil sample from a corn field, Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at the Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center in Butlerville, Ind. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been removing important climate-related data from its websites that farmers rely on to adapt to extreme weather. (Joshua A. Bickel / AP)
Update February 24, 2025

We’re Suing to Stop the Trump Administration’s Climate Censorship

The Trump administration is removing climate-related information from government websites, many of which farmers rely on to adapt to increasingly extreme weather.

The sun flares over the top of the sign marking the headquarters building for the US Department of Agriculture on April 18, 2024, in Washington, DC. (J. David Ake / Getty Images)
Press Release February 24, 2025

Trump USDA Sued for Erasing Webpages Vital to Farmers

Loss of critical USDA resources will hurt farmers and food security

Dry cracked earth is visible on a farm in Kaplan, Louisiana in 2023. Droughts in 2023 impacted farmers across the country. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)
case February 24, 2025

Challenging the Trump Administration’s Climate Censorship that Threatens Farmers and Our Food Supply

The lawsuit seeks a court order requiring USDA to restore access to key webpages and preventing USDA from removing additional climate-related information.

A brown pelican covered in oil sits on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Jun. 3, 2010. Oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill affected wildlife throughout the Gulf of Mexico. (Charlie Riedel / AP)
Press Release February 19, 2025

Primera Demanda Ambiental Contra la Administración Trump: Grupos Impugnan Orden Ilegal de Anular Protecciones Que Evitan Perforaciones en Alta Mar

Dos acciones legales retan los intentos del presidente Trump de permitir exploraciones de petróleo y gas en territorios océanicos

In the News: Tampa Bay Times February 26, 2025

Trump administration rolls back protections for rare whales off Florida coast

Steve Mashuda, Managing Attorney, Oceans Program: “If you’re concerned about whales being harmed by offshore energy, I’ve got a whale in the Gulf of Mexico I’d like you to meet. The Deepwater Horizon spill killed close to a quarter of the population alone. The Gulf doesn’t belong to the oil industry, the Gulf belongs to…

In the News: Politico January 30, 2025

Florida scrub-jay protections incite a sweeping ESA challenge

Aaron Bloom, Attorney, Biodiversity Defense Program: “We take the lawsuit seriously, given the threat that that argument poses to the Endangered Species Act and the uncertainty of how the Trump administration will respond to it.”

In the News: The New York Times February 24, 2025

Farmers Sue Over Deletion of Climate Data From Government Websites

Peter Lehner, Managing Attorney, Sustainable Food & Farming Program: “You can purge a website of the words ‘climate change,’ but that doesn’t mean climate change goes away.”

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 17, 2024

Impulsando la Transición hacia la Energía Limpia

Earthjustice trabaja por una transición más rápida y justa a energía limpia. Esta labor se hace ante las comisiones de servicios públicos alrededor del país.

In the News: Michigan Live February 21, 2025

AI boom could inflate Michigan power bills

Shannon Fisk, Director of State Electric Sector Advocacy, Clean Energy Program: “You don’t want somebody coming in saying, ‘We need a ton of new generation for 30 years,’ but then leaves after three. That’s going to leave other customers on the hook.”

In the News: Heatmap News February 20, 2025

What Trump’s NEPA Wrecking Ball Means for Renewables

Kirsten Boyles, Managing Attorney, Northwest Office: “When you get rid of the definition, you’re going to still have a fight. You now no longer have that common basis of understanding of what is a definition.”