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feature September 20, 2024

Fossil Fuels

Earthjustice and our partners are fighting to loosen the fossil fuel industry’s destructive grip on our world. We can win — and it will take all of us.

Press Release September 18, 2024

Lawsuit Challenges California Dirty Hydrogen Project

Port of Stockton Plant would pollute air, climate in community burdened by high pollution

document September 18, 2024

Sierra Club v. Port of Stockton

This Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Complaint for Injunctive Relief challenges the August 19, 2024 decision of the Port of Stockton and the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Stockton to approve the BayoTech Hydrogen Production and Dispensing Facility Project based on an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. Filed September 18, 2024.

Tyson Foods is marketing “climate-smart beef” and a commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. (Charlie Neibergall / AP)
Article September 18, 2024

Earthjustice Takes on Big Ag’s Greenwashing

We’re suing one of the largest meat companies in the world for trying to deceive consumers about its climate impact.

Press Release September 18, 2024

Community Groups Demand Landfill Options Outside of West Kauaʻi

Proposed new county landfill poses environmental hazards and injustice for west side residents

Louie Wagner Jr. casts for ooligan on the Unuk River, as his family has for generations. (Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
Article September 18, 2024

Rampant Gold Mining in British Columbia Threatens Salmon and Indigenous Rights

Toxic gold mining along rivers crossing the British Columbia-Alaska border threatens critical ecosystems and the sovereign rights of Alaska Native communities.

Press Release September 18, 2024

More Than 80 Conservation Groups Call on Members of Congress To Oppose New House Bill Targeting Endangered Species Act

Proposed bill would eliminate key aspects of ESA that have been in place for 50 years

A satellite view of part of the Adams Land and Cattle feedlot in Nebraska, which is named by Tyson Foods as one of their “Climate-Smart Beef Program supply partners”. (Google Maps / 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies)
Press Release September 18, 2024

Tyson Foods Es Demandada por Engañoso Mensaje de Productos ‘Climáticamente Inteligentes’

Un grupo ambientalista acusa a la compañía de aprovecharse del interés de los consumidores en comprar alimentos favorables al clima, ya que afirma falsamente que alcanzará medidas ‘cero neto’ para 2050 con la comercialización de sus productos de carne industrial como ‘climáticamente inteligentes’

Smokestacks loom up from a hazy sky, tinged with orange, at sunset.
Press Release September 18, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Efforts to Undermine Life-Saving Protections on Soot, Power Plants, and Heavy-Duty Vehicles

“We urge Congress to stand firm in rejecting these attacks on standards that are saving lives and helping us meet our climate goals.”

document September 18, 2024

Greenwashing Lawsuit v. Tyson Foods, Inc.

The Environmental Working Group filed the suit under the District of Columbia Consumer Protection Procedures Act, or CPPA, in D.C. Superior Court. The suit targets Tyson’s claims that its industrial meat production operations will reach net-zero greenhouse gas, or GHG, emissions by 2050 and that it produces “climate-smart” beef. EWG is represented by Animal Legal Defense Fund, Earthjustice, Edelson PC, and FarmSTAND,

A satellite view of part of the Adams Land and Cattle feedlot in Nebraska, which is named by Tyson Foods as one of their “Climate-Smart Beef Program supply partners”. (Google Maps / 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies)
Press Release September 18, 2024

Tyson Foods Sued Over Deceptive ‘Net-zero’ and ‘Climate-smart’ Beef Claims

Environmental group accuses Tyson of capitalizing on consumers’ interest in purchasing climate-friendly foods by falsely claiming it will be net-zero by 2050 and marketing its industrial beef products as “climate-smart”

staff September 17, 2024

Mairin Culwell

Based in Washington, D.C., Mairin is a legislative assistant with the Policy and Legislation team.

staff September 17, 2024

Aashna Sawhney

Based in Washington, D.C., Aashna is a legislative assistant with the Policy and Legislation team.

staff September 17, 2024

Amy Yoon

Based in New York, Amy is a litigation assistant with the sustainable food and farming program.

California activists rallied after a public hearing in 2018 on restricting the uses of chlorpyrifos (Max Whittaker / New York Times)
video September 17, 2024

Ban Organophosphates

The Environmental Protection Agency knows that organophosphates can cause long-term developmental harm in children. However, they are now disavowing their findings. Tell EPA to ban organophosphates.

From the Experts September 17, 2024

EPA and State Inaction on PFAS Puts Public Health at Risk and Leaves Taxpayers to Foot Cleanup Costs

No Excuse to Keep Dumping PFAS “Forever Chemicals” into Our Waterways

One of the American West’s great natural ecosystems, the Great Salt Lake in Utah — and the species who depend on it — are facing serious threats. (© Ecoflight)
Press Release September 17, 2024

Court Hearing Today: The Future of the Disappearing Great Salt Lake

Environmental and community groups argue their case against the State of Utah

View of Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake. (Nick Pedersen / Getty Images)
Article September 17, 2024

Why We’re in Court to Protect the Great Salt Lake

Millions of people could wind up breathing in toxic dust from newly exposed lakebed.