¿Por Qué Siguen Muriendo Las Ballenas Grises?

Las olas le dan vuelta a una ballena muerta en Ocean Beach de San Francisco. Docenas de ballenas grises del pacífico norte encalladas a lo largo de la costa oeste en el segundo trimestre del año.

Las ballenas grises están encallando a lo largo de la costa oeste de Norteamérica en números alarmantes, comprobando una vez más que los humanos están causando un desastre ecológico.

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Why Do Gray Whales Keep Dying?

Waves roll over a dead whale on San Francisco's Ocean Beach. Dozens of Northern Pacific gray whales washed up along the West Coast this spring.

Gray whales are washing up all along the West Coast in disturbing numbers, adding further evidence that humans are causing ecological disaster.

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Judges Agree: They Otter Be Free

Fishing industry groups wanted to revive a harmful program that excluded otters from parts of their coastal habitat—but Earthjustice fought back.

Fishing industry groups wanted to revive a harmful program that excluded otters from parts of their coastal habitat—but Earthjustice fought back.

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