The Hidden Costs of Food

Conservative estimates suggest that the real cost of our food could be roughly double the apparent cost.

Conservative estimates suggest that the real cost of our food could be roughly double the apparent cost.

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Gambling with House Money

Earthjustice is working to stop Tesoro-Savage, a crude oil shipping terminal proposed for the banks of the Columbia River in Vancouver, Washington.

Go inside the trial of Tesoro-Savage, a crude oil shipping terminal proposed for the banks of the Columbia River.

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Cleaning Up California’s Dirty Freight System

A cargo train passes the windmills outside of Palm Springs, Calif.

California asserts its commitment to a strong economy and a healthy environment in its new Sustainable Freight Action Plan, but the state can do even more to clean up the polluting freight system.

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The Death of World Heritage Sites

The future of priceless World Heritage sites like the Great Barrier Reef depends on the immediate reduction of climate-change-inducing greenhouse-gas emissions, but many of the governments responsible for protecting these sites are failing to take strong

The future of priceless World Heritage sites depends on the immediate reduction of climate-change-inducing greenhouse-gas emissions, but many of the governments responsible for protecting these sites are failing to take strong climate action and are actively pursuing dirty energy projects.

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