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Youth plaintiffs gather before the start of the Navahine F. v. the Hawai'i Department of Transportation hearing at the First Circuit Environmental Court in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, on January 26, 2023. Pictured left to right: Ka’ōnohi P.-G., 16, Kawahine‘Ilikea N., 13, Taliya N., 15, Navahine F., 15, Mesina D.-R., 15, Kalā W., 19, Rylee K., 15, and Kawena F., 10. (Elyse Butler for Earthjustice)
feature June 20, 2024

How Hawai‘i’s Youth Advocates are Fighting for Hawai‘i’s Future

As the climate crisis threatens their land, food, and traditions, 14 youth advocates took the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation to court to spur climate action.

Youth plaintiffs gather before the start of the Navahine F. v. the Hawai'i Department of Transportation hearing at the First Circuit Environmental Court in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, on January 26, 2023. Pictured left to right: Ka’ōnohi P.-G., 16, Kawahine‘Ilikea N., 13, Taliya N., 15, Navahine F., 15, Mesina D.-R., 15, Kalā W., 19, Rylee K., 15, and Kawena F., 10. (Elyse Butler for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 20, 2024

Historic Agreement Reached in Hawaiʻi Youth-Led Constitutional Climate Complaint

Transportation Department commits to bold action to achieve 2045 zero emission goals

A wild chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Press Release June 13, 2024

Quinault Nation Calls for Dam Removal on Skookumchuck River to Save Salmon

Fish blocking dam’s purpose will end with closure of the Centralia Coal Plant in 2025

A farmworker harvests strawberries in Salinas, California. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 11, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Senate Republican’s Partisan Farm Bill Proposal, Urges Cooperation with Senator Stabenow

Senator Boozman’s proposal fails to address the realities farmers across the country face amid a changing climate

A farm near Clarinda in southwest Iowa, where sustainable farming practices are used.
(Brad Zweerink for Earthjustice)
From the Experts May 22, 2024

House Farm Bill Squanders Environmental Opportunities

With provisions to rollback climate-smart agriculture provisions, weaken environmental laws, and offer handouts to polluting industries, the House Farm Bill is the culmination of a toxic partisan process.

(Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
Article June 3, 2024

Spring on Alaska’s Unuk River Represents a Fight for Our Way of Life

Mining pollution threatens the sovereign rights of the Tsimshian in Southeast Alaska. Assistant Executive Director of the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission Lee Wagner tells what that means for her community.

Yurok guides paddle tourists along the Klamath River in traditional canoes hand crafted from Redwood trees. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Article June 3, 2024

Klamath River Dam Removal Is a Victory for Tribes

After a century of ecological collapse, steelhead and salmon in the Klamath River now have a fighting chance at a full recovery.

A spider has made this dry faucet home.
(Steve Dorman/Flickr)
Article July 9, 2015

3 Things That Won’t Solve California’s Drought

A handful of new products purport to help ease the drought, but do their claims hold water?

Even with an approaching El Niño, Californians shouldn’t lose sight of long-term water management goals, since climate change can intensify heat, evaporation and dry weather.
(Zacarias Pereira da Mata/Shutterstock)
Article August 27, 2015

Study Finds Climate Change Amps Up Drought

Even with an approaching El Niño, Californians shouldn’t lose sight of long-term water management goals, since climate change can intensify heat, evaporation and dry weather.

An aqueduct carrying water from the northern California Bay Delta through the state's arid Central Valley.
Article July 16, 2015

New House Bill Blames Historic California Drought on Endangered Fish

A bill being considered in the House of Representatives places blame for the lack of water in California on protections for salmon and other imperiled species, such as the delta smelt. The reality is that an historic drought—not environmental protections—is causing water shortages in the West.

The mainstem of the Klamath River. The Klamath flows through Oregon and northern California.
(U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Press Release: Victory October 2, 2017

Judge Denies Irrigators Special Treatment, Millions in Drought Payments

Court denies Klamath agribusiness interests $30 million years after 2001 drought

Drought conditions are threatening Emigrant Lake in Ashland, Oregon.
(Al Case/Flickr)
Article May 28, 2015

Thirsty Thursdays: Drought News Roundup

Thirsty Thursdays is our bimonthly blog series exploring the historic drought in the western United States.

California agriculture uses about 80 percent of the state’s developed water supply.
(Pgjam/iStock Photo)
Article July 30, 2015

It’s Time to Be Drought Intolerant

Want to help the drought? Draw a bath, call your senator, and let your worries soak away.

Some of the finest wines and olive oils in the world have been created with dry farmed crops, a practice with a long history in the dry Mediterranean region.
Article August 13, 2015

Real Sustainability: Dry Farming in a Drought

Some of the tastiest apples, walnuts, and wine grapes come from farmers doing something radically different—they’ve stopped watering their plants.

The San Joaquin and Sacramento River Delta ecosystem is threatened by drought and competing water management interests.
(Mitch Lorens/Flickr)
Article June 1, 2015

Fish Flailing Amid California Drought

Poor water management during California’s drought is pushing multiple fish species to the brink of extinction.

A severe and extended drought in California has led regulators to enact various water restrictions across the state.
(Photo by Kevin Cortopassi (Flickr))
Article January 5, 2015

California Needs Solid Drought Solutions, Not Mindless Bills

Weakening key environmental protections in Congress won’t make it rain in California.

Shasta Dam, above, has lost at least a third of its generating capacity due to California's drought.
(Andrew Zarivny/Shutterstock)
Article August 6, 2015

Drought Drains California’s Energy Grid

California’s drought is draining the state’s reservoirs and preventing hydropower from feeding the state’s energy grid, creating an opportunity for cleaner energy sources to take its place.

Farmers in Iowa, like Seth Watkins shown here feeding his cows, are restoring the land and climate by combining age-old practices with new knowledge. (Brad Zweerink for Earthjustice)
Press Release May 1, 2024

Earthjustice Praises Senator Stabenow’s Farm Bill, Urges Bipartisanship

“Senator Stabenow’s call for a bipartisan process is exactly what we need, and the Senate should quickly work together on advancing a Farm Bill that addresses the modern challenges we face.”