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A bowhead whale and calf surface in the Arctic Ocean.
(Amelia Brower / NOAA)
feature October 20, 2021

Northern Fights

By land and by sea, America’s Arctic is under attack. Earthjustice is fighting on multiple fronts to protect this irreplaceable region and keep the Arctic’s fossil fuels in the ground.

Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) rests near a breathing hole in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean.
(Florian Schulz /
feature August 20, 2020

Timeline: Defending America’s Arctic

Earthjustice has been advocating against drilling in the Arctic for decades. Here’s how we got to where we are today.

Ringed seals rest by breathing holes over the sea ice. Chuckchi Sea, Arctic Ocean.
(Florian Schulz)
feature April 5, 2019

Court Affirms Protections Against Drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic

What this court ruling means for the country and the climate.

Beluga whale pod in the Chukchi Sea. Belugas are social animals that often migrate, hunt and interact with each other in groups ranging from ten to several hundred.
(Laura Morse / NOAA)
Article: Victory December 21, 2016

Obama Permanently Protects Large Areas of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from Oil Drilling

The president’s far-sighted decision is an historic step forward for our oceans and climate.

Walrus in the Arctic's Chukchi Sea.
(Sarah Sonsthagen / U.S. Geological Survey)
Press Release: Victory December 19, 2016

Victory for the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Earthjustice celebrates President Obama’s decision to permanently protect most of the Arctic Ocean and important parts of the Atlantic from offshore drilling

A walrus and pup on an ice floe in the Chukchi Sea.
(Sarah Sonsthagen / U.S. Geological Survey)
Press Release November 18, 2016

Excluding Arctic and Atlantic from Offshore Leasing

Moves U.S. closer to clean energy future

document November 12, 2016

Letter to President Obama on Arctic Oil and Gas, Ragen and Scientists

Letter to President Obama, signed by 34 scientists, requesting the permanent withdrawal of the U.S. Arctic Ocean from further oil and gas development.

document September 20, 2016

Arctic and Atlantic CEO Withdrawal Letter

On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our millions of members and activists, we thank
you for your strong leadership in the fight against climate change. We urge you to build on the
unprecedented progress you have already made, by exercising your statutory authority to
withdraw the U.S. Arctic and Atlantic oceans permanently from all future oil and gas leasing.

Shell Oil Company has announced that it is ceasing its Arctic Ocean oil exploration campaign immediately, at least for now.
(James Mason)
Press Release September 20, 2016

Green Groups to President Obama: Protect our Oceans and Climate

President urged to withdraw U.S. from future oil and gas leasing in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Article July 20, 2016

Victoria Legal Para El Ártico Luego de Ardua Lucha Envía a Las Empresas Petroleras de Vuelta a Casa

Tras ocho años de exitosos desafíos legales, ya desapareció la amenaza que representaba este contrato de venta.

The Chukchi Sea, pictured above, is free of oil drilling for the foreseeable future.
(Kathryn Hansen/NASA)
Article July 20, 2016

Long-fought Legal Victory for the Arctic as Oil Companies Limp Home

The Chukchi Sea is free of oil drilling for the foreseeable future.

An offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.
(Brian McDonald / Shutterstock)
Article June 8, 2016

Last Chance to Make Your Voice Heard on Offshore Drilling

There’s just one week left to respond to a plan for new oil drilling along U.S. coastlines.

document May 16, 2016

Fact Sheet: Stop the Drilling Before it Starts

5 Reasons to Withdraw the U.S. Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from All Future Leasing

Shell's drilling rigs, including the Polar Pioneer (above), will no longer be involved in oil exploration off of Alaska's coast.
(davelogan/iStock Photo)
Press Release May 10, 2016

Earthjustice Statement on Shell, ConocoPhillips Abandoning Leases for Oil Drilling in Arctic Ocean

Move is another step toward an oil-free Arctic Ocean

document January 13, 2016

Motion to Intervene: Groups Challenge Shell’s Latest Attempt to Keep Door Open to Drill in Arctic Ocean

Future drilling attempts could devastate fragile region, lead to dire climate consequences

Shell's drilling rigs, including the Polar Pioneer (above), will no longer be involved in oil exploration off of Alaska's coast.
(davelogan/iStock Photo)
Press Release January 13, 2016

Groups Challenge Shell’s Latest Attempt to Keep Door Open to Drill in Arctic Ocean

Future drilling attempts could devastate fragile region, lead to dire climate consequences

An icebreaker ship in a frozen Arctic bay. Attitudes and policies around Arctic drilling are showing a shift toward "keeping it in the ground."
Article November 25, 2015

Why We Should Keep It in the (Frozen, Arctic) Ground

In rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama emphasized the need to “keep it in the ground” when it comes to fossil fuels. He should follow his own advice when it comes to Arctic drilling.

Shell Oil Company has announced that it is ceasing its Arctic Ocean oil exploration campaign immediately, at least for now.
(James Mason)
Press Release: Victory October 16, 2015

Earthjustice Statement on Obama Administration Decision to Cancel Arctic Lease Sales for 2016-17

After Shell’s Departure from the Chukchi Sea, Administration takes next step to protect Arctic Ocean