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Alyssa Anderson, a second-generation beekeeper, works with bee hives in a California orchard. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Update: Victory March 12, 2024

Beekeepers Triumph Against Deadly Insecticide

A California court ruled in favor of beekeepers represented by Earthjustice, shielding pollinators from the pesticide sulfoxaflor.

Press Release December 21, 2022

EPA to reconsider the use of bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor

Court allows the use of the pesticide while review proceeds

Press Release: Victory December 9, 2021

Victoria: Corte Rechaza Aprobación de Pesticida Que Mata Abejas en California

El fallo sobre Sulfoxaflor llega justo en el momento para proteger a las abejas que polinizan el cultivo de almendras de California

document December 6, 2021

California Superior Court Rejects Approval of Bee-killing Pesticide Sulfoxaflor

A California Superior Court ruled that the bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor can no longer be used in the state because its approval violated state environmental law

Alyssa Anderson, a second-generation beekeeper, holds a baby bee in a California orchard.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory December 6, 2021

Court Rejects California’s Approval of Bee-killing Pesticide Sulfoxaflor

Sulfoxaflor ruling comes just in time to protect bees pollinating California’s almond crop

In the News: Adirondack Daily Enterprise May 24, 2021

NY debates pesticide ban to protect bees

In the News: San Francisco Chronicle April 19, 2021

EPA wants to leave Trump rules on insecticide in place while studying impact on bees

Greg Loarie, Attorney, California Office, Earthjustice: “There are lots of alternatives out there that are lower risks.”

Alyssa Anderson, a second-generation beekeeper, holds a baby bee in a California orchard.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 30, 2020

The Perfect Crime: What’s Killing All the Bees?

Honey bee colonies have experienced widespread die-offs. Many beekeepers believe a class of pesticides are weakening their bees. Mega-corporations are making a killing off their pesticides—but are they also getting away with murder?

document September 6, 2019

Sulfoxaflor: Petition for Review

Beekeepers, represented by Earthjustice, sued Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for allowing sulfoxaflor, a bee-killing pesticide linked to a nation-wide honeybee die-off, back on the market.

A honey bee alights on a cherry blossom in Stockton, California. Bees and other insects face a global extinction crisis.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release September 6, 2019

Trump’s EPA Said This Bee-Killing Insecticide Is Safe, Now Beekeepers Are Suing

Sulfoxaflor is toxic for insects already dealing with global pollinator collapse

Una abeja se posa sobre una flor de cerezo en Stockton, California. Las abejas y otros insectos enfrentan el peligro de la extinción global. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release September 6, 2019

La EPA de Trump Dice que Un Insecticida que Mata Abejas Es Seguro. Ahora Los Apicultores Entablan Demanda

El sulfoxaflor es tóxico para los insectos en un mundo que enfrenta el declive de polinizadores

Alyssa Anderson, a second-generation beekeeper, holds a baby bee in a California orchard.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release July 12, 2019

Trump’s EPA Puts Bee-killing Pesticide Back On The Market

Sulfoxaflor is linked with colony collapse

Earthjustice attorney Greg Loarie answered questions from the public last week in reddit’s renowned “Ask Me Anything” forum. ("Reddit Sticker" by Eva Blue/CC BY 2.0)
Article September 22, 2015

Quite a Buzz: Earthjustice on ‘The Front Page of the Internet’

Attorney Greg Loarie recently discussed Earthjustice’s victory to ban the bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor in reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” forum.

Article September 17, 2015

Buenos Dias, D.C. – Un Buen Día Para las Abejas

Andrea Delgado, Representante Legislativo de Earthjustice se sentó con Néstor Bravo de Buenos Días D.C. para hablar sobre la reciente victoria en los tribunales de justicia a favor de la protección de las abejas.

Earthjustice’s Andrea Delgado appeared on Buenos Días D.C. to discuss a major recent victory for honeybees.
Article September 17, 2015

Buenos Dias, D.C. – It’s a Banner Day for Bees

Earthjustice’s Andrea Delgado appeared on Buenos Días, D.C., to discuss a major recent victory for honeybees.

document September 10, 2015

Sulfoxaflor Opinion

From the United States Court Of Appeals For The Ninth Circuit. The panel vacated the Environmental Protection Agency’s unconditional registration of sulfoxaflor, and remanded for the EPA to obtain further studies and data regarding the effects of sulfoxaflor on bees, as required by EPA regulations.

Alyssa Anderson, a second-generation beekeeper, holds a baby bee in a California orchard.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory September 10, 2015

Federal Court Overturns EPA Approval of Bee-Killing Pesticide

9th Circuit rejects approval of Dow Chemical's sulfoxaflor