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A bird flies by the emissions from the coal-fired Gavin Power Plant in Cheshire, Ohio. (Stephanie Keith / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory June 28, 2024

Federal Court Blocks Attempt by Coal Power Plants to Evade Cleaning Up Coal Ash Contaminating Water

U.S. Court of Appeals affirms that EPA regulations prohibit closing coal ash dumps with ash sitting in groundwater

Press Release: Victory April 25, 2024

Earthjustice aplaude a la EPA por históricas salvaguardias contra la contaminación de plantas energéticas

Los estándares abordarán las principales fuentes de contaminación climática y protegerán la salud pública

A coal ash pond full of dead trees lies adjacent to Duke Energy's Buck Steam Station in Dukeville, N.C., in 2016. (Chuck Burton / AP)
Press Release: Victory April 25, 2024

Earthjustice Applauds EPA for Historic Suite of Safeguards from Power Plant Pollution

Standards will tackle major sources of climate pollution and protect public health

Andrew Rehn, right, of the Prairie Rivers Network and Lan Richart of Eco-Justice Collaborative paddle past toxic coal ash waste seepage on Illinois' Vermilion River in 2018. (Tribune Content Agency LLC / Alamy Stock Photo)
Press Release March 14, 2024

Appellate Court Affirms Illinois’ Strong Coal Ash Protections, Rejecting Coal Company Attacks

Community advocates urge Illinois EPA to swiftly enforce rules

Press Release January 9, 2024

Environmental Organizations Urge More Study and Stronger Regulations on Remining to Protect Communities and the Environment

A new report recommends guardrails before remining can be a safe and sustainable source for clean energy.

Equipment owned by Stronghold Digital Mining, Inc., used to mine cryptocurrencies and powered by the Scrubgrass Generating Plant near Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, in Venango County.
Press Release December 21, 2023

PA Enviro Groups File Appeal for Urgent Removal of Hazardous Coal Ash ‘Mountain’ at Scrubgrass Crypto Facility

Massive unauthorized coal ash ‘mountain,’ growing for years; PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) granted cryptomining polluter Scrubgrass a 4-year leash: toxic coal ash waste allowed to persist

Vac truck excavation work near the town pavillion in Town of Pines, Indiana. (U.S. EPA)
Press Release December 11, 2023

EPA: Radiation from Coal Ash Poses Cancer Risk

More than 150 public interest groups urge the EPA to ban the widespread use of toxic coal ash as structural fill

Andrew Rehn looks at toxic coal ash waste seepage on the shore of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River.
(Zbigniew Bzdak / Chicago Tribune / TNS via Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory June 8, 2023

Court Approves Plan to Clean Up Coal Ash at the Retired Vermilion Plant in Illinois

Consent order requires Dynegy Midwest Generation to move coal ash to a new on-site landfill to protect the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River

The now-closed Waukegan Generating Station, on the shore of Lake Michigan in Waukegan, Ill. The coal-fired power plant still has sizable coal ash ponds threatening the environment. (Jamie Kelter Davis for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory May 17, 2023

EPA Publishes Draft Rule to Expand Regulation of Toxic Coal Ash

Revisions to the rule address hundreds of legacy dumpsites previously excluded from safeguards

The John Amos Power Plant, a coal utility company located on the Kanawha River in West Virginia. (Joe Sohm / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory March 8, 2023

EPA Proposes Improved Wastewater Treatment Standards for Coal-fired Power Plants

A legal victory decades in the making, the EPA will require modern wastewater treatment at all remaining coal-fired plants

Press Release: Victory January 25, 2023

EPA Moves to Reject Six Coal Plants’ Applications to Keep Toxic Coal Ash Dumps Open

EPA found that the six plants failed to prove that their coal ash ponds were not leaking and not contaminating groundwater

The devastating coal ash spill at Kingston, TN in December 2008. One billion gallons of toxic coal ash spilled from the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston Fossil Plant, covering 300 acres, destroying homes, poisoning rivers and contaminating coves and residential drinking waters.
(Photo courtesy of TVA)
Press Release November 3, 2022

New Report: Most Power Plants Violating Federal Rules Mandating Cleanup of Toxic Coal Ash Dumps

Seven years after EPA Coal Ash Rule, 96% of coal plants are not planning any treatment of contaminated groundwater

Press Release August 25, 2022

EPA Faces Lawsuit for Exempting Half a Billion Tons of Toxic Coal Ash from Health Protections

Environmental & civil rights groups say hundreds of landfills in 38 states risk sources of drinking water & air

Press Release January 31, 2022

Earthjustice Responds to AES-Puerto Rico Seeking Taxpayer Bailout

AES-PR has been working to transfer the ownership and expense of its coal plant to Puerto Rico's public utility PREPA.

Press Release January 18, 2022

U.S. Court of Appeals Hears Arguments on the Legality of Oklahoma’s Coal Ash Program

Concerned Oklahomans are challenging the EPA’s approval of the state’s coal ash program.

Press Release January 11, 2022

Biden Administration Announces Crackdown on Coal Power Plants’ Contamination of Water

This marks the first federal enforcement action against the coal industry’s illegal pollution of groundwater from coal ash.

Press Release December 3, 2021

NRG Energy to Hold Public Meetings On Its Plan to Leave Dangerous Coal Ash On Location

This meeting presents an opportunity for the public to participate in the management of coal ash at Lincoln Stone Quarry, which the utility has proposed to “cap-in-place.”