Californians Break Records to Fight Fracking

Oakland fracking march

On February 7th, thousands of Californians marched in the streets of downtown Oakland in what has been billed as the largest anti-fracking rally in U.S. history.

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Environmentalism Starts With Love

Chinyere and mom

In recognition of Black History Month, Clean Energy Attorney Chinyere Osuala shares her story about how she became a black-female-vegan-environmentalist.

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Enlist Duo: EPA Approves Heinous Herbicide

Iowa soybean field

Earthjustice has filed a motion to stay the EPA's approval of the herbicide Enlist Duo on the grounds that the agency violated the Endangered Species Act.

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No Dream Too Big Nor Journey Too Long

Dr. Mildred McClain

Adrienne Hollis shares her story about how organizer Dr. Mildred McClain inspired her to become a project attorney at Earthjustice.

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A Disgusting Day to Breathe in L.A.

Los Angeles Smog Aerial

The Los Angeles region is currently experiencing dirty, filthy and downright disgusting air. It's time for stronger air regulations.

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Youth Rally for Cleaner Air

Janet Rodriguez, a fifth grader from Oakland, Calif., wears a mask adorned with an "I Love Clean Air" logo at a rally outside of the EPA Ozone hearing in Sacramento on Feb. 2, 2015.

A sizable youth following made their voices heard at a public hearing in Sacramento on the EPA's proposed update to the ozone standard.

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